
Why is yahoo groups not getting the messages I send?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone!

I got a problem thats driving me nuts. All of my yahoo groups aren't getting my messages that I am sending. I am not bouncing, have not been unsubed from them. If I go directly to the yahoo group home page and post, it will go through, but if I try to send an email to my groups, it wont go through. I check my sent folder and it is listed there. The messages don't come back to me, there is no error message. It's like they are just sucked up into cyber space. This has happened to me once before and no one had any answers, so I had to unsub from all my groups and rejoin under a different name. Has this happened to anyone? Can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated.




  1. what e-mail provider are you using? sounds like an issue there than directly with yahoo if your post goes through posting off the group- and if it's doing it to all your groups, makes it sound like a  mail provider issue.

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