
Why is yahoo news so liberal and bias?

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Yahoo is for all Americans. Rich and Poor, Black and White, Liberal and Conservative. It just sickens me on the liberal bias found in Yahoo news. We as conservatives should also have a voice as well. We are so weary of this. Would you please consider partnering with conservative news. I am not saying to ditch the associated press, I am sure some americans prefer this slant on the news, but please do not forget us conservatives. We love yahoo too, we use your mail, answers, search, videos, pictures, travel, directions, ect. Why not be more fair and balanced and include Fox news or someone to represent our views. Thank you for considering this and for your time.




  1. Take a look at the headlines, they are obviously slanted. The problem is that you'd be hard pressed to find a news source that isn't biased one way or the other. People like a slant because it helps confirm their judgments. If you're democrat, you like a liberal slant -Republican, conservative.

    Your best bet is to view more than one news source. The truth is somewhere in the middle. For the love of Pete don't rely on editorials and other users for your sources. They too have an agenda.  

  2. That's interesting - I was thinking the same thing but in reverse.  Why is Yahoo news so biased & conservative.  I guess it depends on your perspective.  I guess if you feel that uncomfortable, change your source of news.

  3. I think that most media is biased, and it's irritating, they don't give both sides of the story instead they ramble on and on because they think that the public doesn't have the brain power to know that their are always two side and more than one way to feel about a topic. THEN when someone like FOX NEWS comes in and holds them to a standard of accuracy they WHINE about being caught in the act of their bias...and I doubt they even watch it because by FAR Fox is balanced in their reporting and always represents all sides of an issue.

  4. Is it fear that they may lose control of the 'sheeple'?

  5. They've always been liberal, but Yahoo has gone completely over the top lately because they know Sarah Palin is a strong candidate. Journalists tend to be liberal. Recently, the journalists at Yahoo have allowed their intense fear of a McCain victory to entirely overcome their principles.

  6. you have the slant thing backwards,if after the last 8 years your still of a same mind set you need help.  


    yes Yahoo news is perhaps the most bias news source online with MSNBC coming in a close second.  Often times yahoo news sounds like a far left liberal media blog site.

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