
Why is yahoo selling dog food over your question? Seems like a control thing ?

by  |  earlier

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i forgot that they were in charge of their corporation




  1. food.

    I like really chunky stuff with peas and potatoes.  It reminds me of the beef stew we used to get in school.  Just like mom would've made.  If she'd been forced to cook with no salt and low-grade beef.

  2. Yes those pro plan flashing ads are extremely distracting.  There are questions that are impossible to read.

  3. For your questions, cat food would be more appropriate.

  4. Vote Green Party in revenge. It will lower gas prices as it will replace cars which run on gas entirely.

  5. Dog food? Are you sure? Dog food? Really? The dirty b******s! Really? Dog food? I can not imagine it...jees

  6. whose got dog food?

    why haven't i got any dog food?

  7. Are you sure? They are selling cat food over the questions here! Don't you think yahoo! should hire someone with enough brains to figure out how to stop this? As far as I can tell it's been going on for a while!

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