
Why is yellow sticky stuff in my eye?

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Why is yellow sticky stuff in my eye?




  1. you might have conjunctivitis (pink eye), you should go get it checked out and keep your hands out of you eyes and wash them alot b/c pink eye is very contagious

  2. Does your eye itch, and swell up?

    My sisters eye would itch, swell up, and be stuck shut when she woke in the morning. When she went to the doctor, he told her that she had some kind of eye infection. It was not pink eye, but I forget the name of it. He gave her antibiotics and eye drops. He told her that an eye infection like that can very easily spread to the brain if not treated... So definately go get check out! Best of luck you you!!

  3. ewwwwwwww

  4. If you're waking up in the morning and your eyes feel gluey, almost stuck together (they may even be stuck shut) then it sounds like conjunctivitis. Eyes are susceptible to many kinds of infections so id say see your doctor and get it sorted. Usually eye drops resolve the problem.

    Good luck and hope you're soon better


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