
Why is your god more plausible than the thousands of others you disregard.?

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Many others also have inspired text telling us their god is real.

Why is your magic dancing sky pixie more plausible than jeffs magic dancing sky fairy?




  1. It don't have a god. I'm atheist and one of the reason I am so is because of all the claims on god. Just because a person says there's one doesn't mean there is.

    If I invented a religion would you belive me if I said it was a message from a higher power and he chose me?

    I didn't think so.

    My friends and I actually did make a religion once and I had a few followers.

  2. ask their god if he or she created heaven and the earth and many things sround it

  3. Because the Flying Sphagetti Monster is real, you just can't see him because he's invisible.  

    It makes perfect sense if you just try to believe.

  4. Where's their book? Where's their fulfilled prophecies? You'll have to go back to attacks on the Bible.

  5. They cant even agree on what there magic pixie actually said or believed in so what chance to do us heaving mice have.

    Your point is just one of the many thousands of arguments against any kind of organised religious mumbo feckin jumbo.

  6. He lives, He lives

    Christ Jesus live today

    He walks with me

    He talks with me

    along life's narrow way.

    He lives He lives

    salvation to impart

    You ask me how I know He lives,

    He lives with in my heart.

  7. Why do you not ask logically?

  8. i don't say He is...i just choose to worship the Christian God...

  9. I've wondered the same thing, actually. Especially since other gods are far more original. Odin and Ra were pretty kick-azz.

  10. How is the trolling going today s***n numbskull?

  11. Actually, I am one of those people who think god shows itself to different people in ways that they understand best.  So, all the Gods are really the same God.  

  12. Because I have talked with my God.  I have seen the Holy Spirit.

  13. If each force in nature was represented by a separate god, I would believe in that god, because I can feel that force with my senses, and whether you think this force is inanimate, and I think this force is animate, makes no difference.  We simply define life differently.  That does not mean that I am right and you are wrong, or that you are right and I am wrong.

    The forces are still there.

  14. My God is the creator of all things visible and invisible.  That includes all the beings that pass themselves off as gods.  Psalms 4, 16, 40, 82, 86, 96, 97, 135, 136, 138

  15. My God AND His son both walked on this Earth a few millenia or so ago.  Did Jeff's magic dancing sky fairy? We do not know--- I seriously doubt it. Or did his sky fairy feed tens of thousands with only a couple of fish?  I think not!! Does Jeff's sky fairy know what you will be doing in 20-30 years from now? My God knows everything there is about you and Jeff because HE created you!

  16. My God ( Jesus Christ ) is real and really answers prayer. He is out for the good of mankind because he was our Creator. The others that you refer to are only idols and man-made sacrificial emblems that have no power or existence.

  17. None of those other deities have ever done one thing for me. Or contacted me. Or shown any semblance of being able to move a mountain.. Jehovah is living, alive and breathing and oh so worthy.. I see his works. I feel his works. I talk to him and he answers. Why would I go anywhere else? Does that mean, I disrespect anyone else's beliefs.. no.. And, You certainly come across very insulting to all..  You should apologize for your pompous attitude to every human who does not think like you.. It is very ugly..

    Peace and blessings from Texas <><

  18. I was going to take your question seriously and truly answer it...yeah, but you stopped me by insulting my beliefs.....good job.

  19. You're trying to argue a point which can't be argued. I'm a fierce atheist but even though, I accept that people have their opinions on religion however disillusioned i think they might be! Don't bother!

  20. Because my God makes sense.

  21. The others I disregard are inconsistent within their own teachings, inconsistent with natural data, or are one of many paths to an indefinite and mostly unattainable existence.

  22. Because my pixie is for me alone--I don't try to force him on anyone

  23. wow phew erm... I thought my god was your god and everyone elses? dont we all share god or do we have our individual ones?

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