
Why is zelda twilight princess such a weird game?

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Ok, I am not trying to say the game is bad or anything, but it seems really weird compared to other zelda games. Because on 1 side there is zelda the wind waker which is a happy kids game. And on the other side there is zelda twilight princess where most of the characters look like those world of warcraft characters, and they all look very old and are drawn with CGI instead of cartoons. And the story is a lot darker and scarier if you know what I mean.

But I am wondering how zelda twilight princess could be so different from other zelda games like minish cap and wind waker, it seems like an entire other game series to me.




  1.'s obvious that you haven't played Wind Waker if you think it's a "happy kids' game". The cel-shading and bright colors hide a pretty dark storyline. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask weren't exactly a funfest either (the Shadow Temple still gives me nightmares sometimes). Plus, the graphics style of the Zelda series gets redesigned every few years. I'm sure that the next Wii Zelda game will look different. Also, Wind Waker resembles World of Warcraft much more than Twilight Princess does...if you even want to make that kind of comparision. It's quite a stretch.

    Twilight Princess is a bit darker than some of the other Zelda games, but it is by no means the odd one out. Sorry dear, but you really need to play more games in the series before you can make a statement like this.

    However (and I really do mean this in a good way), I have to say that your slightly philosophical gaming questions usually give me a chuckle at work.

  2. Have you even played Twilight Princess?

    Or any Zelda game for that matter?

    To call Wind Waker a "happy kids game" would suggest otherwise.

    And World of Warcraft characters?

    Oh, so you've never played that either...


    Anyway, I guess I'll actually answer your question.

    Twilight Princess IS NOT different.

    That's why it caught heavy criticism.

    Nintendo basically made an Ocarina-esque Zelda game, with pretty graphics.

    Wind Waker WAS different, because it used cell-shading. Which you refer to as a "happy kids game".

    Phantom Hourglass for the DS also uses cell-shading, but those two are considered the "different" Zelda games.

    If anything, Twilight Princess wasn't different enough.

    It was exactly what we expected, which isn't a good thing.

    Sure, it's a great game, but it wasn't anything spectacular.

    And how you could be so far off in asking this question, really makes me question if you know much about the Zelda series.

  3. because devolopers tried to fit comedy, horror and drama in all at the same time. got more drama if oyu ask me. i really like the character design though

  4. You dare call Wind Waker a 'happy kids game'? If anything Wind Waker is the different one, and not Twilight Princess. And to say the characters look like World of Warcraft characters is telling me you either no nothing about video games or haven't played World of Warcraft enough or at all.

    "Why is this question so weird?"

  5. Well I agree with those that say its a lot like Ocarina, though it does improve on it in many area mostly the combat and in the horse riding parts, if you want to know the weirdest Zelda game then I suggest Majora's Mask where you actually have the ability to play in the form of a Deku, Goron and Zora, and Majora has by far the darkest storyline of all, the gameboy version Links Awakening is also pretty weird but at the same time a true classic, you can ride a flying bear and a kangaroo, also there are goombas in the game, so Links Awakening is really weird.

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