
Why isen't my WI-FI working?

by Guest63715  |  earlier

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I have sort of an older dell, and yesterday just got wi-fi.

I hooked up correctly and everything...I added a password and did all that.

Then I went on my lap-top and for a second the wi-fi worked so then i tried to go to all of a sudden it said it wouldn't work.

It also was working on my DS.

I typed in the password right on my laptop that didn't work.

and I do belive my laptop supports wpa/wpa2

(if you know what i mean.)

i got linksys for my wi-fi.....

Also..the wi-fi keeps saying "signal streach: excellent"

and then chaning to "no connection" or something like that every 10 seconds or so.

Its not working at all.......

Please Help!!!!

**10 points**




  1. Try removing the password on the router....when everything is okay...Put on the password again...It happened to me before

  2. make sure your wireless card on your computer is on.

    Depending on the model, it could have a physical switch to turn the card on/off (a benefit of this is, when you're not using it, it will save battery power) or a button (usually in the F keys) that, when paired with the Fn key, will do the same as the other switch. If this is the case, it will look something close to this-->


    If that doesn't work, then maybe it's a problem with the actual router. Depending on where & when it was bought (usually, the warranty covers the first year), then maybe you could return it and try a different brand.

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