
Why isent this section called gender & mens studies or why dont we get our own section.?

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Let me also know if you think this view is sexist...




  1. Another result of the work of feminism and yes it is sexist. To feminists we are all rapists, thugs, wife beaters and petty criminals so we don't deserve a thing. It's a real shame that somewhere in time, people actually listened to their hate filled speech.

    IMO, it should be called gender studies or two groups men's studies and women's studies

  2. The name of this section is sexist and considering all the men who come here yahoo really should rename this section to something like social and gender studies.

  3. SO many other men in here have asked the same d@m question.  So, I'm going to make another attempt at seeing if I can give a valid explanation.  When ever a company decides to host a website, there's a number of factors that goes into the features that will be added to the sight (i.e. links, photo's, graphics, contact information, and in this case forums). The company will evaluate the cost of bringing the sight on line, how much money will be paid to create the site, link it to other sites, and what will be included in the site based on the estimated purchasing of the services needed to bring the site alive and on line. Then, the company looks at what type of equipment will be used (routers, hubs, firewalls, proxy and web servers, mass storage units for example) and they factor all that into the cost.

    Every forum, and every user account that we as the users frequent and enjoy for free, yahoo has to pay for that. They have to:

    1. Pay personnel to keep the site up and running, troubleshoot technical difficulties and make changes/updates to the information.

    2. Pay personnel to manage the file servers, routers, firewall settings, proxy servers, user accounts and hardware/software

    3. Pay the ISP they’re using to keep the services available to us (for free)

    You get the point.  Any change in the initial agreed upon services, technical support, and features in the beginning of the birth of the site will call for dramatic changes to be made in the dynamics of the site itself. I'm assuming each forum, link and tab that we click on has their own servers and file storage due to the fact that people all over the world are accessing the FREE services and information. Not only are we accessing it, every time you post in any forum, that information is being stored (some where) so others can access the information for a set period of time. So we're talking hundreds, thousands, millions of terra-bites of storage for every forum that people use. So adding another forum would call for a complete rearranging, and reconstruction of the site itself.

    So yahoo is not being sexists, there's not a bunch of feminist sitting behind a desk deleting request for a GMS forum, and it's not a conspiracy theory from the government to 'keep men down'. Yahoo is doing what's feasible for their company to keep the site available, FREE, up and running for us to enjoy.

    Besides, a Gender study is the study of both men and women. We all have access to the same forum; we can all post here and communicate with one another while solving the mysteries between the sexes. Not only that, we have the Sociology and Psychology forums available too us to discuss anything you men feel need to be discussed. No one is discriminating against you. No one is trying to "hold you down" or being sexist against you. We can all talk here in the "Gender" and Women Studies Forum. If you ask me, it's sort of sexist towards us because the title alone sort of gives the hint of "Gender" studies, and then a "oh yea, by the way, women's studies too" feel to it.

  4. You can't be a white male and be proud, or study them, or pump out your chest and be yourself. There is no white history month. I took a class called women and minorities in the media. Should have been called, why white men suck.

    Black pride=good

    white pride=racist.

    is goes on and on

  5. I asked this same question a few weeks ago. You are getting a lot more answers than I did. They basically told me that in history, women were oppressed while men were not, hence there is justification for treating women like an ethnic or racial minority. White males already account for 95% of the history , science, and art / humanities that has been published, so we've had our story told, and now they want a chance to write things from their perspective.

      It's an exciting new period in history, with female artists, authors, philosophers, scientists, and politicians. Let's try to learn from them. First thing is, men have to learn to TALK to each other, not to bury everything personal inside of our muscle shells.

  6. Men & women's studies...

    Women & men's studies...

    Or simply Gender studies...

    I consider it sexist either singling out women or specializing in them while ignoring men.

    Although, I am not offended by this because at the end of the day...who cares?

  7. Most of the area of psychology and sociology was developed from a male viewpoint. Truth be told, most of academia, until the past 50 years, have been contrived of mostly men. Because of this, when people studied psychology or sociology they only really studied about 50% of the population. Gender and women's studies was conceived to look at academic subjects, such as philosophy, sociology, and psychology from a different viewpoint.

    Also, gender studies also studies homosexuals, transsexuals and transvestites. It looks at how gender shapes our perception of the world, from a psychological and societal viewpoint.

  8. If you want a section called 'gender and mens studies', by all means ask the Yahoo administrators....

    But learn to spell first matey....

    Isent = isn't (short for is not)

  9. Gender & Women's Studies are actual courses that can be found and taught at most college campuses.  Some colleges have actually formed their own Gender & Women Studies departments.  It's an educational program for women and men alike.

  10. First I think you'd have to find more than a couple of men's studies programs to warrant a change-so someone knew what the heck it was. I only know of a couple of men's studies "programs" and they were not minor's or major's at accredited colleges or universities-they were a couple of classes or workshops. Whereas women's studies or gender studies or women and gender studies are majors and minors at hundreds of universities and colleges. There doesn't seem to be an interest among men and women in men's studies like there is in gender and/or women's studies. Facts are brutal sometimes.

    If Yahoo changed the name of the forum I wouldn't care-but I'd wonder what Yahoo was thinking since the few who ask questions about men's studies in this forum usually get answers like "what are you talking about-there isn't anything called men's studies" or they get lots of comments about how they must be g*y or not too bright or mentally's not pretty. The only ones who answer nicely are usually feminists who try to explain to the masses what men's studies is..there isn't exactly a huge following in YA.

    btw: This is a regular question in this section-it was just asked 2 days ago..

  11. Labels, labels, labels... they are only words. It matters not what you call your little club the door is not locked and anyone who wishes may enter. Best wishes.

    Light & Love,

  12. The world doesn't need Men's studies. Men are easy to figure out. Our needs are very basic.

  13. Traditionally, women's studies is a section of social sciences that looked at women's history, women's psychology, and their roles in the society. It has been further expanded to encompass all genders, but kept the same name.

    It is like feminism. Feminism is no longer about women, it is about preserving and achieving equality for ALL genders.

  14. I think it has to do with the idea that the male gender is the standard and the female is the deviant gender. Often only females are seen as gendered while men are just normal. It's a subtle, often unexamined, and totally weird belief.

    I'm all for it. I don't think your question is sexist at all. I would love to see that happen. In fact, I'll join you in asking yahoo to add that section.

    I couldn't move past the anger stage of feminism until I studied masculinity. And, no history is not the study of masculinity. Studying masculinity means you actually question it. History assumes that it is normal and natural.

    Again, I'm all for it. Men have many issues to work on and the human species can't progress unless that happens.

  15. We only wish the computers at YA could handle a gender and mens studies section.   It's my greatest wish (LOL).

  16. i just wanna know where the bar is. im gettin' thirsty!

  17. yeah why can't men and women be equal.

    i even made a question about it a few minutes ago.

  18. I don't know. I don't think this is sexist. they should make a men section though.

  19. This question gets asked a lot :)

    Bottom line, there is no definite answer.

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