
Why isit that people who gamble and have a problem and keep doing it even though they lose?

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So why is it taht a person that has gambling problems keeps doing it even though they see their money be thrown away?

is there a thrill or just the chance that that moment will be when they hit it big...

id also like to hear from people who do realize they have gambling issues




  1. I have a gambling issue. The issue is once you are use to winning all the time you really don't believe that it is a losing situation. I had to realize the hard way. If you win 25,000 and say I'll stay away it would be hard. I won and stayed away for 2 months and went everyday until it was gone. Now that I'm back on my feet, I'll go every now and then.

  2. Gambling is indeed an addiction.  My addiction is money and I've won a shitload (well, to me) 3 grand in a month.  This is the system I use with great results.  I win 97% of ALL MY BETS.

    Imagine how much money that could bring you.

  3. I had this problem. It is an addiction, just like drugs. You get this great high while gambling. Thank God I got help after losing $250K

  4. i have no idea why anyone would put money in something hoping to earn money when they know that for every dollar they put in mathematically they can only get 96 cents to 98 cents back. (roullette craps etc)

    Play holdem

  5. ONe of the things that hasn't been mentioned that's a factor in a lot of hard core gambling addicts is that they continue to play to try to make up for past losses and they may believe that they are on the verge of hitting a big score and are afraid that if they stop they will miss out on it and lose the chance to get better or hit the jackpot or whatever.  For most people gambling is something they can control but for some folks it controls them and it's all a matter of self dicipline or the lack of it.

    Of course the best way to deal with this is to do what our friend has done and get good enough at gambling where you're making money at it rather than losing and thus turning a vice into a virtue.

    King Cobra Poker

  6. During college I went to play cards with friends. It was addicting and I got on a streak of hot cards to win around 5k. When I went to the casino, there was no hot streak and instead I ended up losing it all. What happens is that once you experience the excitement of gambling or playing cards, you have to get it back. I got help by reading some poker books and I know the right way to play poker now. Luck is a factor as it makes you excited, but the real thing is the streak. I'll always remember that lesson.

  7. As incredible as it sounds, there is a large percentage of problem gamblers with such low self-esteem, they have set up a compulsion to lose in order to prove they are "truly no good."  I've seen them dump a whole week's pay into slot machines week after week and end up " on the street" because  they can't pay their rent and have run out of friends to loan them the money.  It's one thing to see tourists lose substantial amounts in the slots because they do have a return ticket and are motivated by recreation, but to see locals, especially casino workers become gambling addicts  is pathetic.

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