
Why isn't Barack Obama referred to more often as a bi-racial man rather than only as a black man?

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For the super sensitive types, I'm not saying it should be a major issue at all.

It's just, as a bi-racial man myself, I get a little fatigued at the notion of having to "pick sides".

I'm of Mexican and Norweigan heritage. Not one or the other, but both. I have traits of both. Obama is black and white and has traits of both.




  1. well my sisters are mixed and eveyone assumes their black bc white is so obvious, and light brown skin or in baracks case kinda medium screams "not white". when i take my baby sister out ignorant people come up to me and ask if shes my daughter, then i have to explain no shes my sister we have the same white mother, but why should it matter anyway right?

  2. I feel those that focus on the aesthetics of the issue are missing the message. News flash for you people, not all books have pictures. Take the time to get to the substance of what is being presented and you may find out how willfully ignorant people can be. Line up for fodder. Hey look something shiny!!! I'm am your average white person, in fact whiter than most. I have to use SPF 50 sunblock to make microwave popcorn, and yet I think Barack Obama is the strongest candidate we have had in years. He"s got my vote.

  3. Cuz hes more black. and its black people who refer to him as black most of the time cuz dey want a black prez. which doesn't really matter with me :D

  4. Well, because it's easier to say either "black" or "white" than it is to say "half-black-half-white"  So, people pick one or the other.  Since Obama is somewhat dark, people just say black.

    Mexican and Norwegian, huh?  That's pretty cool!  It reminds of a russel peters joke: something about mixing an icelander with a cuban and getting little ice cubes... a french guy and a greek girl and getting little freeks...  lolz it goes on and on... check him out on youtube...

    Love and Peace out.

  5. I don't know, I have had similar questions.  I suppose it may be because he is visually more black than white.  It may also be because there has never been a person, even half black, to make it this far in the election process.  This is also one reason Hillary's s*x is such an issue as well.

  6. I was actually listening to some people at work talking about this today. They don't accept him as black because of the white side of his family.

    In some countries in South America, one drop of white blood makes you white. In the US, one drop of black blood makes you black. It's sad really.

  7. I know right, I am Jamaican and Russian and people insist that I am black.

  8. i think that he is ADVERTISING him as a BLACK man although he is only half, because it obviously gets him more publicity. but also, maybe he associates himself with blacks more, plus his wife is full black

  9. I know. I consider him both white and black. People need to realise that if he does become president he won't be the first black president. Just a president thats 1/2 black.

  10. Right or wrong ... for now that's how it is in America.

  11. Because half black, half white people in the US get treated the same as black people, and differently than white people.

    Note that there isn't nearly as much tension between Mexicans and Norwegians as there is between blacks and whites.  So you shouldn't presume to know what it's like to be half black, half white.

  12. does he really admit to be white, because i haven't heard much from him about it.

  13. LOL Mexican and Norwegian..

    So you're a 4'5'' striking viking?

  14. same reason that tiger woods and halle berry are..

    Neither obama, woods, or berry are 'more black' than they are their other half ( being caucasian for berry and obama, asian for woods), since they are both half and half, but

    I guess because by skin it's the most apparent.

    Also, it used to be in US history that a person was considered 'black' no matter how many generations removed they were  or how multiracial- vestiges of the slave culture of the South.

  15. Why do people have to be referred to as either? Half this, half that. All c**p. Why not 100% person? That's the way I look at it.

    White, black, male, female. Any race, either s*x. Does it really have to matter? It's a political race, not a white or black race.

  16. i think people like to make this a black and white race!

  17. Because white people are like that. Even if you're 1/4 black, they'll still call you black. I think it has to do with the whole 'keeping the Aryan race pure' bullshit. I think they should realize that nobody really wants to be called white anymore. That whole obsession with the white race being 'superior' is over and nobody buys into it anymore.

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