
Why isn't Boston Red Sox outfielder Jacob Ellsbury burning up the base paths like he was earlier this season?

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At one point this season he had stolen 33 bases out of 36 attempts... Jake has only swiped 2 bases out of his last 6 attempts... his last stolen base was on July 1st.




  1. It's just the ups and downs of long major league baseball season.    Perhaps pitchers are more aware of his base stealing ability and now keep a closer eye on him.   Plus he has not been hitting well, and therefore not on base as much so he has less opportunity to steal.

  2. Doo-doo happens.

  3. He is slumping at the plate right now and thus not getting on base as much. It's impossible to steal 1st base as well as stealing second base when you are walking back to the dugout!

  4. Because he is slumping at the plate and just not getting on base enough to burn them up. He needs to be more patient and stop swinging at the first or second pitch every time. He is consistently popping up or grounding to second lately.

  5. Because he is over rated.  Non of Boston's prospects last more than a year or two, then they fade.

  6. First of all he's in a slump and when your not getting on base then you are not getting the attempts to steal.  Secondly,  he has obviously earned a reputation as being dangerous on the base paths,  so teams are preparing for him because they know the Sox are a better team when he's doing his thing.

  7. the scouts know know how he polays and know the pitchers know how to poitch better to him and also just like gomez they are both FINISHED!!!!!!!!

  8. Everyone is aware that this kid has blinding speed now and is all the more aware of him on the base paths.  Further, his BA is down as is his OBP which means he doesn't have as many opportunities.  I can say that if I had to play against him, I'd make sure that my pitchers would do what they could to hold him on.

  9. he's just been in a general slump:

    April- 71ab  .282avg  .402obp  8sb  0cs

    May- 96ab  .281avg  .375obp  18sb  2cs

    June- 98ab  .245avg  .265obp  8sb  2cs

    July- 82ab  .232avg  .267obp  1sb  3cs

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