
Why isn't Carl Edwards in any of the Nascar Thunder ps2 games?"?

by Guest57361  |  earlier

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Why isn't Carl Edwards in any of the Nascar Thunder ps2 games?"?




  1. Nascar Thunder games were 2002-2004. 2004 covers the 2003 season, so Edwards wasn't racing in NASCAR (I think). If my memory serves me correct, Edwards was in 2005: Chase for the Cup as a Truck Series regular driving the Superchips Truck for Roush. Burton is in his 99 car for the 2004 game with multiple sponsors, his last year with Roush. He was in 06: Total Team Control. But for 07-08, he had a deal with a separate gaming company, Excalibur Electronics, so he couldn't appear in EA games. But he is in Nascar 09 for the ps2 (and ps3/360)after a two year hiatus.

  2. He is contracted to another gaming company!

    go Jr.>>>>>

  3. He has another contract with a different video game company. (not EA Sports).

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