
Why isn't China one of the eight nations of the G8?

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just wondering




  1. They're in the G8 + 5.

  2. g8 is something used by europeans and north americans  to keep hold onto world domination. else, why is canada in it?

  3. Cuz there Chinamen.

  4. they aren't a liberal democracy. the question is why IS russia on of the g8

  5. China is one of the main suppliers in the global arms trade (forgot the name of the group):






    I forget what the G8 is.

  6. China's not in for the same reasons Russia may find itself out.  

    Complete disregard for democracy and human rights.  Maybe places like Brazil or India should be considered.

  7. In order to be a part of the G8, traditionally the country that is a member had to show some serious economic reforms.

    And enter Mother Russia. It was in the 90's.. Yeltsin was pushing to serious economic reforms in Russia and Clinton liked what he saw.In addition to this, Clinton appreciated the neutrality Russia portrayed towards the eastbound expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [this is currently an issue with Putin]. So as a gesture of appreciation Russia was invited.

    As we speak right now, one of the biggest debates at G8 is the continuation of having the current Russia [under Putin] as a member of the G8. His economic policies have regressed much to a point where many people are questioning whether he is pushing for Old Soviet reforms or so [I think nostalgia has begun taking its toll on the man].Probably his most famous scandal known to much of the west would be Yukos/Gazprom affair.

    In addition to this all countries belonging to the G8 are by and large wealthy and Russia, unfortunately, comes across as a lost soul in an organisation like that [though people hardly ever speak about it, poverty in Russia can worse than many parts of Africa and Latin America]. So one can't help but get the feeling they'd rather have Australia in the league than Russia or China.Eitherway, it was only by default that Russia joined the league - and it wasn't the first to do [Canada also joined by default when former American president Ford needed a North American ally to suppress the success of European votes and he only had Japan by his side.]

    So if you gather all this information about Russia, the conclusion you can draw from all this would be that China can never be a member anytime soon due to its economic records.India, rather, stands a better chance of joining than China.But then again what are the odds India would join and be a member?

  8. Nonsense, LOL! cos G8 means Gigolo 8 with men and women of another high class place for socialing and gathering with all paper talking only, nothing else. That's why G is for Gigolo 8 as most of their pays and wages are expensively feed and feed by we, the citizens of all countries around the world....Agree? Don't deny the reality facts please. hehe...So does the noun of Government. HAHA..with a G too.

    d**n, to the grandmaster of word creator, u indeed a genius with a letter G which has been using for centuries after centuries. hahaha...

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