
Why isn't Hide-and-Go-Seek an Olympic sport? And shouldn't dodge ball be an olympic sport?

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World leaders should be forced to participate in the dodge-ball event. It would be great to see President Bush biffed in the head by a 3 pound ball or Kim Jong Ill have those ridiculous black blu-blocker sunglasses knocked off his Yoko Ono on Steroids fat head.




  1. Your question was one of the funniest things I've read in a while!

    How about if the president hides and we DON'T go seek?

  2. Yeah right sorry but thats stupid ! and wats wrong with BMX looser? my bro is a pro BMX-er and its not as easy as it might seems =P

  3. haha yer!! i agree

  4. oh yes totally *rolls eyes*

    and they should also add skateboarding and BMX

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