
Why isn't Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe today and for the last couple of weeks?

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Of all days, I can't believe Joe Scarborough is not on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning. Since this is the last day of the Democrat party's primaries, and likely the day Obama will go over the top with delegates, something must be seriously wrong with Joe.




  1. Joe is not ill. His wife has been having problems with her pregnancy and he has been staying in Florida to be with her during this time. The last thing they mentioned about it on the show was that she would probably be delivering their child quite early.

  2. Joe, please come back.  I miss your morning show.  I'm usually up at 3:00am PT just to watch your show.  I'd like to hear you defending Hillary Clinton while other pundits keep attacking or saying negative things about her.

  3. I understand he is ill, however I do not know if it is serious or not.

  4. I also can't believe Joe Scarborough is not on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning or for the last couple of weeks,but though i am not 100% positive,i believe that his wife has or is having a baby.I have missed his input and honesty on morning television.It used to be  a bi-partisan fun show,but now has become the.NBC NO BARACK  CRITICISM CHANNEL.COME BACK SOON JOE,WE MISS YOU

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