A few recent examples:
1 - Kerry -- 17-point lead over Bush the Second just after the 2004 Dem convention,
2 - Gore -- 20-point lead over Bush the Second just after the 2000 Dem convention, and
3 - Dukakis -- 24-point lead(!!) over Bush the First after the 1988 Dem convention. Pop quiz, kiddies: How many of you can even remember who Little Mikey Dukakis is and what his "qualifications" were to be President of the US. I'll take your answers offline, thank you very much.
Now, those of us older than 16 know how close those first two elections turned out to be (Dukakis was crushed by Bush the First, carrying a grand total of five states) -- so how close do you think this election is going to be with Obama barely able to stay even with McCain?
Might I suggest that it's going to be all over except for the shouting by mid-October and that, duh, the winner isn't going to be Obama? I realize that it's a practical impossibility due to certain mental processes already set in motion but Obama's most fervent worshippers should really begin preparing themselves for what appears to be inevitable given his poor showing at this key juncture in the race.
Now, due to the aforementioned mental processes, I realize that Obama's most fervent worshippers on this forum will be unable to grasp the very idea that their savior could even possibly lose so the purpose of this question for them is to see how much further they can debase themselves in front of the rest of us as they once again deny an Inconvenient Truth. Go for it, kids!