
Why isn't Obama Ahead in the polls by a great margin.?

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Is he having a hard time getting his message across to people who

actually pay the bills.




  1. Save the question.  Maybe you'll have a chance to use it when Obama isn't ahead in the polls by a great margin.

    Right now McCain would be well advised to concentrate on closing that margin.

  2. He just hit 50%

    You can't spin that!

  3. How about this Q.;...

  4. Go find something else to do grandpa  

  5. Because of this:

  6. Endorsements from Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda haven't really helped his cause.

  7. If the polls were where Kerry was way ahead are any indication, then I wouldn't worry.  I am sure that people can see Obama ,and his associates that are suspect, his experience and his accomplishments.

    Oops, sorry, I was wrong about experience and accomplishments, it seems there are none..


  8. He's got the biggest lead of any election, this far along, since 1996.

    The State by State match up is even worse for McCain.  He's getting killed in states that are must wins.   Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc.   While Obama is competitive in Georgia (thanks Bob Barr) and North Carolina.....if McCain drops either one, he loses.

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