
Why isn't Prince Phillip King of England?

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Why isn't Prince Phillip King of England?




  1. this is because princess Elizabeth married a naval captain Phillip

    She became queen after her father died & her husband could only have the highest title as queen consort (prince)

  2. He is a Greek. He cannot sit upon the throne of England as the rightful heir is actually Queen Elizabeth II of the Windsor family. She may marry royal blood but her husband is not allowed to reign as King as he is a foreigner. He is Greek royalty.

  3. Because he is a Refugee from Greece, and you do not like Refugees.

  4. Because a King traditionally has more power than a Queen does, and, considering he has only married into the family whereas HRM is of the royal bloodline, it would be wrong for him to have the stronger claim on the country.

    Plus, "Duke of Edinburgh" sounds ever so much more dashing when compared to boring old generic "King".

    And, of course, I doubt McClaren's up to the job of teaching his players the words to "God Save the King". Actually, come to think of it, his summer's looking awfully uneventful, he could start teaching them then.

  5. The Queen chose not to have him crowned.  BTW he IS royalty and in line for the British throne (35th or something).  Greeks get their kings from other countries (strange) -- He is from Germany and Denmark originally.  Apparently he was fine not being King.

  6. in order to be the king you have to be a direct descendant to the throne, and with that there is a strict order for males. So Prince William is in line to be King, and as first born his descendants will be next in line before Prince Harry and his sons. Prince Phillip is not legitimate descendant to the throne.

  7. Elizabeth II was in line for the throne and was crowned in the 1950s (I believe).  Prince Phillip is an English Prince because he married the queen and was not next in line for the throne.  Phillip would only be eligible to become king if (1) he is in line for the throne by blood lines and (2) all individuals who are in line before him are unable, die or advocate.

    Currently, Charles is first in line, his wife (wives) may be princesses, but never queens.  William and Harry would come next followed by Prince Andrew, Princess Beatrice and her sister (whose name presently escapes me.)  Charles and Andrew have another brother who would then come in line to the throne (unless he is older than Andrew, in which case Andrew and his children would come after both of his brothers), then his children and I believe Princess Anne would be next.

  8. When a King succeeds to the throne, his wife becomes Queen Consort.  On his death, she is no longer queen, and their eldest male child becomes king instead.  If there are no male children, then the eldest daughter becomes 'Queen Regnant' (i.e. queen in her own right, not through marriage).  In the case of Elizabeth II, her father George VI only had daughters, she was the eldest and therefore inherited the throne in the absence of a brother.  A Queen Regnant continues in her role until her own death, regardless of how long her husband lives.  

    However, in the UK there is no such thing as a 'King Consort'.  So when a woman becomes Queen Regnant, her husband does not become King - he is instead a Prince (for example Prince Phillip (Elizabeth II's consort) or Prince Albert (Victoria's consort).  On the death of a Queen Regnant, her husband is no longer consort.  The reason there is no such thing as 'king consort' is because 'king' is considered a more senior title than 'queen' therefore, the consort would potentially overshadow the queen regnant.

    Prince Philip is in fact in line to the British throne in his own right (like Elizabeth II he is descended from Queen Vctoria).  However he is way down the list of succession at number 475! So he would only become King if the Queen and the 474 people in front of him in the succession all suddenly died!

  9. Britain doesn't allow King-consorts. That makes PRINCE Phillip twice as vestigal as the Royal Family.

    Ferchrissakes, he's 86 and he's still a PRINCE! The bloke's too old to be one!

    Can't he have a more mature-sounding title? Something befitting of his age, like "Highlord Phillip"? Or "Grand Duke Phillip?"  How about "Overly-shriveled-for-a-prince Phillip"?

  10. Because he only married into the royal family and he is german

  11. his wife is the one with the royal blood, and a king is higher rank than a queen, so it cant be done

  12. He will be in 10 or 20 years.

  13. Hes  a comonor as is charles wife wats er name.

  14. Because he's Greek. His real name is Philipoussos

  15. Philip was not the heir to the throne. Elizabeth was heir to her father,King George VI. Philip was just the son-in-law. Philip,although of Royal birth(Danish-Greek),and a third cousin to his wife,

    as the consort,or spouse of a ruling Queen Regent,can not have a title that is higher than the monarch's.The title of "king" presumes a monarch,but the monarch is a Queen,now, so Philip,of the Royal House of



    renamed Mountbatten,wears the title of Prince Consort.

    Elizabeth could not proclaim her husband king even if she wanted to;this requires an act of Parliament.And she has never wished to shirk her job,like her unfortunate uncle,David,Duke of Windsor,who abdicated the throne and caused a constitutional crisis and a family drama.

  16. Cos he is'nt anything to do with royalty! He's only the Monarch's husband. He isn't in line to the throne, or indeed from any Royal family,just some Greek who married the queen!

  17. cause he's a greek tw*t

  18. You can't marry into the role. You have to be born of royal blood to be king. That is alright though. I think the queen is doing a good job.

  19. His mum won't let him.

  20. prince philip is from a royal family. he was born in greece but his royalty comes from denmark. unfortunately, he is royal by blood, but his family never had "royal" money. in fact he was born on a kitchen table in greece! he has many siblings and he was arranged to marry the now"queen elizabeth" who wasnt queen then. prince phillip is also from the queen victoria lineage. he is not king because he is only of noble blood, but did not have any "kingship" in greece. he is just one of the many descendants of queen victoria. they say, that might be the reason y he is such a bitter man, cause he never got to inherit the title as a king. oh well.

  21. Because for Phillip to be king, Elizabeth II would have to marry him. If she does that, she is no longer regent. They are unmarried for the fact that Elizabeth II wishes to remain the regent of the country. If they wed, then Phillip is King, making Elizabeth powerless. Elizabeth is not a woman apt to just giver up power, even if it's just a titular thing.

  22. He's the Queen's consort.  He's not in line for the throne.

  23. Because I'm already king.

  24. Because he is a Greek Prince married to the Queen... foreign nationals cannot become Monarch and the Queen is the rightful reign to the British throne

  25. Has  england ever had a king ?

  26. Princess Elizabeth married Phillip of Greece.When she became Queen after the death of George VI,who had no sons.Phillip became Duke of Edinburgh because he is a catholic.Only once has the throne been shared William & mary.William a prodestant While Mary a catholic,this was only to make peace with Scotland,while Dutch William the rightful heir,went on to be William 111 (orange)Battle of the Boyne and all that.Leaving the way for Anne of Scotland,to become Queen of England,and the unifortcation of scotland and england in 1707.

  27. Not royal blood.

  28. Because the royal blood line in England is hers not his.  So he is the Queen's consort.  (King is a higher designation.  She was  a princess when he married her - her rank could increase because of the blood line, but his could not.)  At least that's my base American egalitarian understanding of it.

  29. because the queen is still alive

  30. Prince Philip was a Prince of Greece and Denmark before he married the then Princess Elizabeth, who was the heir to the British throne. Men do not rise to the rank of their wives when they marry, as women do, so he remained a Prince and was not elevated to "King". He was created a Prince of the United Kingdom, though, upon or shortly after his marriage.

    Similarly, although Anthony Armstrong Jones was ennobled when he married Princess Margaret, he did not become  a Prince.

  31. Not in the blood line to be king.  You can't marry into the role of king.

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