
Why isn't ROH televised?

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Why isn't ROH televised?




  1. no one will sponsor it.

  2. no tv deal

  3. because it doesn't have enough fans and they don't think they will have good ratings.

  4. they should be working on a tv deal

  5. b/c it doesn't to turn into the WWE like TNA is beginning to

  6. The reason Ring of Honor is not televised is because they do not see it as a profitable venture. Television production requires A LOT of money, most of the time that is either fronted by a local television station, who hopes to profit by re-distributing it under syndication to other stations, or it is fronted by advertisers who hope that their advertising dollars return in the form of increased revenue.

    There are few independent television stations left in the United States who are willing to invest in such programming. Advertising is always a fickle business, and right now this economic downturn, it is a tough sell.

    There's also another reason why ROH isn't on television - they just cannot draw a large enough audience to sustain it. Look at how they have already failed in their PPV ventures. It was a nice try, but it was a fruitless effort that wasted a lot of money.

    ROH is very successful with house shows, they are very successful at selling DVDs to their devoted fans. There is no reason not to stick with winning formulas.  

  7. Sweetie, roh is now on demand ppv.  it is working its way up to hopefully get a tv deal.  be patient, it will happen!  MMMWWWAAAHHH!

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