
Why isn't Tawain in the United Nations? Was it previously in the United Nations?

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I was looking at all the countries in the United Nations on Wikipidia and I manged to see Tawain and it wasn't a country in the United nations. I was wondering...why isn't Tawain in the United Nations and on the Wikipidia article it said that it previously was. Can someone clear this up for me?




  1. thank china for that mess, & blind un

  2. Taiwan used to be a part of China, but when they announced their independence some 20-40 years ago, China did not agree with that. However, other countries, like the United States, acknowledged its independence and accepted Taiwan into the United Nations. Then, when China turned from a Communist state into a Democratic state, it was accepted into the United Nations, since the United Nations oppose communism. However, when China was accepted, it wanted Taiwan to be kicked out, since if Taiwan stayed, that would mean that it was officially a separate country, and China didn't want that. And if you've looked at the news in the past several years, China has been getting pretty strong, and no governor in their right minds would risk having China on the other side. So, Taiwan was kicked out.

  3. The reason is that Taiwan isn't a country.   It is part of China and is thus represented at the UN by China.   Its previous relationship with the UN was dictated purely by (particularly US) reluctance to accept the legitimacy of China as a constituted country after its revolution.    Unfortunately this situation is only too prevalent in a supposedly democratic organisation where a few countries can impose their view through the veto principle.

  4. Because China won't allow it.  Taiwan is considered a renegade province of China that is illegally seeking independence so China won't allow Taiwan to receive any diplomatic status or a place in the UN without major repercussions.  Any country or organization that officially recognizes Taiwan's sovereignty is automatically condemned by China and alot of countries don't want to risk this.  Even the United States is afraid of offending China by recognizing Taiwan so we've adopted a "One China" policy which means we officially consider Taiwan part of China and not an independent state.  Therefore, no Taiwanese diplomats are allowed to meet with US politicians.

  5. I'm not sure, but Taiwan was controlled by China for centuries. And it wasn't long ago when they received their independence from China.  When you look at it China was once or still is a communist country so that could be a factor.

  6. Following WWII, China had a civil war.  The White party lost and retreated to the island of Taiwan.  The Red party won but at the time could not invade the island.  Think of it like the US having a Civil War and the Confederate retreating to Hawaii.

    Taiwan tried to be declared independent, but China, being a very large and powerful nation, blocked the motion.  Imagine Hawaii trying to go independent in the US?  The US would block this.

    Taiwan is technically a province of China and will most likely revert to Chinese control in the next decade... probably by force and causing a lot of world instability.

  7. Taiwan is not internationally recognized as a seperate entity by the UN.  However, when the UN was created in 1945, Taiwan was the official representative for China.  They basically represented themselves and mainland China.  This continued until 1972 when the actual Chinese government was allowed to take its place as its rightful representative.  Since that time, Taiwan has been given observer status.  The reason why Taiwan is not a full member is because it is not officially recognized as a seperate entity.  Doing so would state the claim against China that it no longer governs the island, which would seem to violate China's sovereignty.  The UN would be too afraid of a political or possibly military backlash against Taiwan because of this.  So, to answer your question:  Taiwan was a member of the UN, representing China but is now an observer only.

  8. After the previous government of China was forced into exile on Taiwan, they continued to represent China in the UN for years.  When Communist China was ready to be admitted in their own right, they insisted that Taiwan be kicked out, and the UN agreed.

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