
Why isn't The Bible being taught in schools (i.e., all schools)?

by Guest65430  |  earlier

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Wander around this forum awhile and you'll soon discover that cultural illiteracy is epidemic. I suggest that ignorance of The Bible is at the heart of the problem. The Bible is simply the sourcebook of Western culture. Every major writer from John Milton to William Faulkner drew heavily on it. Every significant thinker from St. Thomas Aquinas to the antichrist Nietzsche knew The Bible inside out. Every important museum displays more Madonnas, Crucifixions, etc. than you can shake your scum manifesto at...

As an understanding of Western culture hinges upon familiarity with The Bible, how can our liberalese schoomarms keep pretending that this crucial book doesn't matter, doesn't need to be studied?




  1. It *can* be studied as a literary source in most U.S. schools. It *cannot* be taught as religious doctrine.

    There is a BIG difference between the two, and the former action has survived court challenges.

  2. I am an ardent hindu, by beliefs and way of life.   All my education was in India.  But I know Jesus and Moses and I am more christian than most christians.  Why you want it taught in schools?

  3. having the bible taught in school conflicts with the belief and security of those who are not christians. Did you know that there are many portraits signifying Islam, Judaism, buddhism, etc in museums and public places. This does not mean we can just make students study the Quran, torah, etc.

    Dont be ignorant, be open minded.

  4. cuz as much as the bible , and or christianity is a pose for the government or the people in general , church & state are separate. w/o it , europeans would have never came to this country. nowadays weather people believe it or not , churches & the biblical teaching are all politics now.

  5. i think bible reads and biblical principles could not only open peoples minds but help scholastically as well too. the problem with that though is that somes christians would possibly have a problem if they were forced to read islamic, hindu, and other religious reads. i mainly have a problem with how in school they can teach darwinism, that is only a theory as well and has no scientific proof, and not teach other ideas on how we came to be. i see what you have to say.

  6. In the US, there's this very important piece of paper called the Constitution.  In the Constitution, there's a bit called the First Amendment that specifically forbids the legislation of any religion.  Teaching the Bible in governmentally funded schools would violate the First Amendment.

  7. The problem arises when the Bible is taken out of the sphere of literature, and used as a source of factual information for historical or scientific purposes.

    If the Bible is to be studied, it should be alongside other religious works, otherwise it seems like an endorsement of Christianity.

  8. The bible is studied in church and in one's free time.  According to the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution, there must be a separation of church and state.

    Also, not all people follow the bible some follow different religions, so teaching the bible in school would disrespectful to all the other religions out there...i mean if we are going to teach the bible then why not teach all the other religions that make up this country?

    Being a student in the American school system i would very offended if the bible was taught in school. I personally don't follow the bible, i come from a mixed-religion family.

  9. it should be taught in ALL schools.

  10. It's only crucial to people who are actually observant Christians. And even then, religion is a matter that should be kept at home, at church, and in officially Christian schools.

  11. You're assuming the Bible isn't being taught for cultural/religous reasons.  I believe it's more a matter of funding.  It won't be on standardized tests so schools are not willing to devote the time and resources for source material that they won't be graded on.

  12. religious studies is even more pointless than gender studies

    although it's a close run thing

  13. This book was written by elites, much of the works deriving from it were also produced by elites. It was at the time when the bible was at its greatest influence in europe that the literacy of the masses was at its lowest. This is not to say that the bible itself is to blame for illeteracy but to point out that since the decline of the absolute authority of the catholic church in government admin and society overall that literacy has increased. This was the case in Ireland. At the point that the church finally lost its stranglehold on education through mass and schools and the government began to introduce education for jobs then ireland saw a growth in literacy and indeed economic success.

    The church should have to compete for legitimacy for its ideological space in schools and to date its assocation with fuedal society  and backwardnes means that it has largely failed.

  14. Because this ,, earth,, is the devils playground, the school systems are full of satins minions , and I'm speaking directly to the teachers and staff of etoah middle and high school system in Cherokee county Ga, public school is probably the most unhealthy place 1 could put a child , take ownership in your children teach them the word of god at home , send them out into the world with the tools to do battle with evil ,

  15. Never mind the cultural illiteracy, what about illiteracy in general? For example, people (yes, you) who think "a while" is one word. Put down your silly fantasy book and pick up a dictionary (or "adictionary" as you may put it).

  16. The Bible should not be taught in schools because it is a religous text. In America there are not only Christians there are many other religons too. Just because you want people to read the Bible in school does not mean that everybody would like that to occur. I would be pretty offended if somebody read the Bible in a public school to one of my children (if I had any).

  17. The buttheads who answered before me are so ridiculous! But anyways i guess thats their opinion... But i think its only taught in Christian schools, cuz nobody wants to offend anyone else. Everyone doesnt believe in God, or Jesus or in the Bible for that matter and maybe it really wouldnt be fair to make other children learn whats not in their beliefs.

  18. Because not everyone believes in this old relic known as the Bible that has been changed and modified throughout the centuries to suit the modifiers own interest. Did you know the Church banned thousands of stories from the Bible that they saw as "Un-Christian"?

    What we need to teach more in out schools are important things like Match and Science that will help humanity in the future. Not some old book that or the most part doesn't offer any solutions.

  19. It isn't taught because we don't need it, same with the other religious books.

  20. If you teach the bible in a public school with kids of all backgrounds then you have to teach Hebrew , paganism, buddist, atheist, satanism, ect. ect. ect.

    Do you have the money and time to teach these kids ALL of these religions.

    Most likely not.

    Teach them all or not at all

  21. Religion should not be forced on anyone. The Bible is a book like all other books and should be read if one is interested in doing so. If not, there are plenty of other topics to read about.

  22. Because In today's society it wouldn't be seen as politically correct or ethical to just teach the Bible as a basis of improving literacy levels, what about the Torah or the Quran? We don't just have Christian kids in our schools.

  23. Even if a person does not believe in God the bible is still a useful tool for teaching. It is possible to teach from the bible just as it is to teach from any religious/sacred text. I don't appreciate the ignorant answer which says that no one reads the bible. Reading anything and everything never has hurt anyone. One of my teachers in high school taught from the bible, we analyzed the symbolism and discussed the stories in class. I believe that some people have mis-read the question. Teaching the bible is not equal to indoctrinating people with Christianity. Your question is not about teaching religion it's about utilizing an interesting and well known historical document to future generations. I am a Christian but I know that the bible should be taught without endorsing Christianity. The separation between church and state shouldn't even come into focus! While attending my public high school I read from both the Torah and the Koran!

    Did you know how many common sayings have come from the bible?

  24. It's called the Establishment Clause. It also prevents your tax dollars from funding any other religion being taught in public schools.

    If you want your kids to get a Christian (or any other religious) education, send them to a parochial school.

    Cultural illiteracy is a problem, sure--but there are many other documents which people know nothing about _as well as_ the Bible. I would argue that a lack of experience in other languages (particularly Latin) is far more educationally damning (pun intended) than being unable to quote Chapter and Verse.

    An understanding of Western culture hinges upon Western history. Was that influenced by Christianity? You bet. Was it also influenced by Chinese trade, Indian mathematics, Arabic sciences, and many other schools of thought, as well as at least several other major religions? Most certainly, as well.

  25. everyone has different beliefs and teaching the bible specifically would be unfair to people who are other religions or hold different beliefs.  why does the bible deserve to be taught out of all of the religions in the world? it would close minds instead of opening them. there is no need for it in public schools. if someone wants to study the bible they could do it at church, go to a school that teaches it, or study it on their own.

  26. I'll agree that there is a problem with cultural illiteracy....and that children need to read more.  However the bible is the last in a long long list.

    Religion needs to be kept out of schools, or teach all of them(major ones) not just one.

  27. Here is how TN. USA handles this:

    Four Tennessee counties currently offer such classes as a special course that counts as an elective. Such courses are designed to look at the Bible's impact on literature, art, and politics.

    Religion is another distraction, and a way to further keep humans from working together. Perhaps if there was only one religion, the religion of loving and respecting all humans, Globally, it would work.

  28. because there different types of school i.e muslim school ect.

  29. Unfortunately it is b/c of the separation of Church and State..that is the reason that society is becoming more corrupt and our children have no understanding and reverence for God.  They try to take prayer out of the classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance that includes the name of God...we are living in the last days. I plead the blood of JESUS against every demonic spirit that comes on here trying to speak again God and his Holy Word! Satan you are a LIAR and you can back tot he PITS of h**l from where you came b/c you are not welcome here!

  30. There is a seperation of church and state. The only place where this is enforced is in schools. This is why there is no Bible lessons in school, unless of course you take a religious based course in college.

  31. There are private schools that exist that teach the principals of the bible, however they cost money. The reason religious principals are not taught in public schools is because it is considered discriminatory towards other beliefs, but the truth is that it was taken out of the schools because the leaders of this country are atheists and only want the atheist views taught. They don't want to teach humanism and compassion in the schools, they want to teach people how to live in a dog eat dog, uncaring, lustful, perverse, competitive world. ;-)

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