
Why isn't Tony Rezko addressing the Democratic convention?

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He could talk about his housing plan for the Obamas

Maybe he could dial in from the prison phone




  1. could larry sinclair give a speach also. Obama loves his oral skills

  2. Sure, then we could schedule Scooter Libby, Jack Abramoff,  Lester Crawford and Brian Doyle for the Republican convention.

  3. Rezko is cool man Me'un Slick have him on ice  

  4. False:

  5. Hes busy. Wonder if he will implicate Obama for a plea bargain?

  6. Thats hilarious!  Why aren't you in Iraq if you like Bush so much?  You wouldn't be a chicken hawk hypocrite like Bush and Cheney, would you?

  7. So, for the befuddled parties, here are `08 things you need to know about how and why the Obamas and Rezkos purchased adjoining properties in the Kenwood neighborhood on the same day in June, 2005:

    1.  The deal could have gone down without Rezko.  

    While it's true that the couple who sold the house to the Obamas and the adjoining vacant lot to Rezko's wife required the deals to close on the same day, there was at least one other serious bidder on the lot.

    2. The Obamas did not get a special discount on the  house.  

    Yes, the original asking price was $1.95 million and the sale price was $1.65 million, but the sellers have confirmed that the sale price was the result of routine real estate negotiations and was the best offer they received on the house.

    3. The sellers rejected two lower bids from the Obamas.

    The Obamas first offered $1.3 million and then $1.5 million before agreeing with the sellers to the $1.65 million price.  

    4.   The Rezkos did not pay an inflated price for the vacant lot.    

    Obama has said his broker told him another interested party had already put in a bid on the lot at or close to the asking price of $625,000. No one has challenged this assertion.

    5.  The Obamas did not get a special discount from the Rezkos when they later purchased a one-sixth strip of the vacant lot to enlarge their  yard.  

    The price the Obamas paid, $104,500, was a neat one-sixth of the price of the lot and more than double the value Obama said his appraiser put on the strip. The remaining portion of the vacant lot reportedly sold earlier this year for $675,000.

    6. The Obamas did not receive or borrow any money from the Rezkos to buy their house.  

    They took out a $1.3 million mortgage and paid the balance with proceeds from Obama's best-selling books.

    7.  Obama hasn't done any political or personal favors for Rezko  since this saga began.

    The lone example critics cite is that Obama allowed the son of a Rezko business associate to serve a one-month unpaid internship in his office in 2005.

  8. he is detained,lol

  9. Same reason Abramoff isn't addressing the GOP convention.

    He wasn't invited.

  10. For the same reason that Bill Ayers isn't there, and many others.  

  11. Only the criminals that haven't been caught get to speak at the convention.

  12. Dems are hiding their felon friends and their friends who cheated on their wives who had cancer. (Edwards)

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