
Why isn't Yahoo! accepting Microsoft Offer?

by Guest60648  |  earlier

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Why isn't Yahoo! accepting Microsoft Offer?




  1. Many factors in "buy-outs" may delay or cancel.  In such cases this may include the following.  Creators of "Yahoo" may see this as "their baby" taking it from "nothing" to what it is today.  Concerns may evolve as to "Microsoft's" management policies or direction not acceptable.  

    A common "buy-out" decision is a company's "worth" in 5, 10, 20 , etc., years from now.  Yahoo continues to "grow" and make money in many ways.  Offers can be "expectations" for a number of years.  I do not know details, but "Microsoft" may have offered expected "worth" in 10 years and "Yahoo" wants more value.

    Other decisions may include retaining current employees.  Many companies acquiring others may "layoff" or "discontinue" existing positions and "fill" with their own personnel.  Yahoo may want to insure those that helped build and support have futures.  In this area, Yahoo may want to maintain top executives for a period of time to insure a "seamless" take over.

    Who knows, but something occurred when it seemed so certain Microsoft would purchase.  Major stockholders may have rejected, maybe our "government" blocked to keep Microsoft from continued growth.  

    Hope this helps with ideas.  I have not heard or read anything lately.  Great question.

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