
Why isn't a sociology degree respected in the US? In the UK its not so much of a laughing stock degree.?

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I am asking because my cousin in the US seems to think it is only useful if I want to work in McDonalds.




  1. I don't know about respect but what jobs could you do? I understand that the degree isn't easy but what skills does it leave you with and does anyone out there recognise those skills such that they would employ you in a high paid job? Money is what buys respect in the business world.

  2. your cousin is correct - it's nothing but a wishy-washy nothing degree. I wouldn't wipe my sphincter with it after a good dump.

  3. It should.  Statistical analysis and research methodology are both stressed heavily in Sociology.

    I have to agree with the answerer who said that a BA degree in anything is valued, however.  One of the reasons that your cousin may think that McDonalds is your destiny is that we have a high rate of unemployment, and for some people a job at McDonalds is better than no job at all.  A degree will get you into the McDonalds management track.  Wal*Mart too.

    Usually a BA in Sociology here will get you one of those "any degree will do" jobs, or a ticket to a grad school.  Our federal government is one of those "any degree will do" jobs.  But the competition is stiff.  Thousands of applicants apply for hundreds of federal jobs each year.  

    Since a BA in Sociology  is valued there, go for it and stay there.   You will be much more successful than coming here with it.

    Best of luck to you.

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