
Why isn't anyone questioning Shawn Johnson's age?

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She's 4'9" 88 lbs soaking wet! The same size as those "underage" cheating Chinese gymnasts. You expect me to believe she's 16 years old? We Americans sure are hypocrites.




  1. Dont question her age because shes a sophomore in Valley High. She's too amazing for a younger than 16 year old. Just because she's a little short doesn't mean she isn't 16.

  2. You know you can't really tell how old the Asian is. I'm a 32 years old Chinese from Taiwan. In the States, most of the people thought I'm around the age of 20-25. What the... thats like almost 10 years difference.

  3. She's cute and very talented

  4. Probably because she rejected your advances because you are ugly and also because you are anti-American, if you want to claim that the US is cheating like the Chinese.

  5. We all know how old she is but for the Chinese gymnasts especially that one girl we can't prove it. I hope they will look into it more because I really don't think she's 16 or even going to turn 16 this year.  

  6. because unlike China, the US hasnt had a history of lying about age of competitors, and there has been discrepancy regarding age in past tournaments

  7. coz she's too fat and she stumbled.

  8. You know what I notice in these posts....every time the US wins in anything, soccer, OLYMPICS, Baseball, Track, ANYTHING all these HATERS come out of blue.

    Could you give the US some credit. Even a little bit.

    I see posts, "The US sucks," "Phelps is on Steroids," "Why are all American hypocrites" etc.

    I can't stand you guys.

  9. probably because its a matter of public record where she was born and obviously she is as old as she says she is.  There is no way that one chinese is 16 I refuse to believe it do you see them???

  10. Because she has not been listed on several gymnastic registries and in previous competitions as a 14 year old.  

  11. Because it would be so much more difficult for us to lie about age, we have stupid media that would be on it in a heartbeat!  

  12. Because unlike China, the US government cannot suppress its people and media to forge birth certificates and passports.  And the US is just that good, and the world knows it (especially China, which is why they have to cheat).

  13. why does it matter

    best gymnasts get picked

    shes awesome

    and they cheat we cheat :]

  14. the rule is you have to be turning 16 the year of the olympics, so shawn johnson may be 15 years old and hasn't had her b-day yet, also she may just be small for her age. but she's not nearly as young as the chinese girl gymnasts, look at her face and you can tell

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