
Why isn't casey mears in nascar 09?

by  |  earlier

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just wandering why he isn't in the game. kyle busch drove the same car as he does now last year and he wasn't in 08 so does that have something to do with it?




  1. yes.  kelloggs and europe...they dont get along too well.  along time ago, a man named terry labonte...yea driver of the same 5 car... he mooned Europe on national television; which outraged Europe and they said terry labonte, you will not be in our version of EA's Nascar series.  Kelloggs backed terry up and said we support you Mr Labonte, so Europe said kelloggs will not be on our version either.  and thats why casey mears and kyle busch seemed obsolete to the Nascar video game community

  2. He is in it on the PS3.

  3. it is absolutely incredible that terry labonte did that.  I seen it  a full moon too,  and indeed, europe banned terry labonte and then 2 days later, they banned kellogs.  He's in our version though.  

    Thats cool, you guys are playing Nascar in europe?  Nascar got its start right here in North Carolina.  bout 4teen miles up dat road out yonder.

  4. Casey Mears doesn't have a ride in 09.  

    I can't believe that the Europeans still hold that Labonte-Kelloggs thing against Nascar 09.  I thought Labonte was just mooning the French -not the entire continent of Europe!  Surely, no one would hold that against anyone.

  5. You might want to check again, man... Casey Mears IS in NASCAR 09... At least he is in the PS3 version...

  6. He probably just isn't in that version. He's in it in the game over here.

  7. Terry Labonte would do such a thing!?

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