
Why isn't everybody worried by the global warming?

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people don't cause the global warming, we accelerate it. we talk about the ice age and stuffs like that but the weather changed very slowly at that time,some animals had to adapt to new conditions, and it took them a lot of years, others didnt adapt so they died. humans, or any specie, won't adapt to the new conditons in so little time. who thinks the climate is "just fine" needs to read a little more or just watch some news: the city i live used to be nice and now is warmer than the caribbean, we had katriana 4 or 3 yeaars ago, a tsunami, the amazon river is disappearing and the amazon rainforest too...common is that normal? do you have an explanation for that? global warming is not a religion or a new fashion tend, is a fact and i think peolppe must care about the environment, maybe you won't be here tomorrow but your children or grandchildren....?




  1. Because many of us know the media exaggerates and is one-sided.

  2. because they are too consumed with themselves and everything else around their lives to worry about this thing called global warming. Also some people are still ill informed believe it or not. I was one of them  till recently I am seeing weird weather patterns. An ex told me about this "global warming" and I didn't believe them. Mainly because I was a teenager ( 20) but now that I'm 24 I can see that the earth needs our help! It will benefit us in the long run! our future! the future of our children!

  3. Some political environmental groups take theories that are only 20% proven, then exaggerate the facts to make it more emotional for the newspapers.

    For example, Oceans are ment to be warmer than any time in the last few hundred years.

    What if the scientists from 80, 100, 300 years ago were not very accurate? We are comparing accurate tempratures from today with things that may have been off by 3 or 5 degrees back then.

    It could be this is a natural cycle that happens every 120 years, but that can't get money to prove while $$$ goes to warming gurus

  4. Because the stupid media thinks it's more important to talk about some celebrity going through some psychological breakdown or getting arrested.  They refuse to make global warming a serious issue that's why.

  5. The climate is not fine you dumbo.

    They don't understand it, and they can't see it so why should they care?

    Just like all the garbage that we throw away. Once it's gone, who cares?

  6. I don't worry about things that are not true.

  7. They will worry if the global warming affects them.

  8. cuz its a hoax

  9. Many of us aren't as concerned about Anthropogenic Global Warming because it is an incredibly complex issue that relies on a nearly religious belief that we are causing the tiny amount of  warming and that it will get worse if we don't punish successful countries and force them to reduce their energy use. Pollution is never good, but penalizing energy use is probably an idea that will be remembered as being a poor idea.

    Nuclear power, improved versions of solar, followed by EREV vehicles like the future Chevy Volt, that is how we will beat global warming.

  10. Because it doesn't hurt us enough yet...but by the time it will, it's too late

  11. There's nothing wrong with the climate.

    We're only about 0.5 deg above average, well within normal ranges.

  12. the same reason we dont worry about the sun going down tonight.

  13. Because people have become too shallow and short sighted to see the dangers, we've been raised into a society that believes in throwing away, buying new, we are all consuming too much and enjoying ourselves wasting power, fuel, energy and electricity.  For heaven's sake it seems people care more about what happens to britney spears and what not instead of the environment and our home planet!

    Humans have so much potential, to now just relax a little bit more, enjoy their time with their friends and family with a better work / life balance, as well as help out those people in need and make the world a better place, rather than working like slaves for rich corporations, who are really the only ones getting richer and being conned into buying things we don't need in order to enjoy life.  People should work less, focus more on saving the planet, focus more on living, and not working pointless jobs, get back into farming a little or something, watch less tv, take more walks, enjoy yourselves in a healhier way.

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