
Why isn't gasoline nicknamed "assholine" if this fuel is such an a*****e to the environment?

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When you lop the "g" off of gasoline, it sounds just like what it should be nicknamed.

I think we all know why gasoline is such an a*****e to the environment.

Ethanol, LNG, CNG, Hydrogen would be a lot more friendly, of course, so they only deserve positive nicknames.

No, if you think I'm implying that anyone who fills up with gasoline are a******s, I'm not. You're pretty fine, as long as your personalities are too.

Besides, if the government green-lights this, we can get free flexi-fuel refits at a cost of $500 per vehicle to the USDOT. (If you're about to mention taxes, we already pay a lot in taxes to refurbish roads, some of us more than $500 just to roads. Though if we divert some taxes from roads to education, our SUVs should have the ruggedness & capabilities to drive on rougher roads, you see. We ought to use our 4x4 capabilities then.)

But going back to the subject, do you think for the sake of the environment, we should start nicknaming gasoline, "assholine?"




  1. Gasoline burning  pretty much produces the same stuff a smoking volcano does - difference is that one is natural. Also, if you take into account that humans don't actually contribute to things like global warming as much as Al Gore seems to think (only 2% of the world's atmosphere is made up of human caused carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid, water vapour, etc...), gasoline doesn't really deserve the wrap it's getting. Politicians on the other hand, the b******s who jack up the price of gasoline like crazy, need to have a better name.

  2. its a******s that sell it to you,.

  3. You think you know what you are talking about. But you don't.

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