
Why isn't health care free in the states?

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what benefit comes form not having free heath care?




  1. Where did the founding fathers write into the constitution that you have the right to FREE health care?  They did however write that, " you have the right for the pro-suit of happiness". So get off your lazy butt and get a job that either offers health care or buy it yourself.  But don't except me to pay your way through life. By the way I am not rich and my employer does not pay for my health care. P.S. if you don't like America? I would suggest you move to Canada or England where they do offer free health care and take half your pay.

  2. I'm slightly shocked at the attitude people who have answered have. Maybe they don't realize that they are paying for a lot of peoples medical costs.

    For example, the reason doctors raise their prices to ridiculous rates is because really they only get paid about 1/3 of what they bill. In many cases people get the health care and don't pay for it or only pay a portion. If they have insurance its not much better because the insurance will also only pay a portion of their portion of what the doctor charges. The doctors have no choice but to take it because the insurance companies really control the medical industry.

    Then you can consider all the people who go into the ER instead of getting basic routine care. This leads to overfilled ERs and  you should hope to god you never have an emergency because you will not get as good of care as you could.

    Its the working middle class who get screwed by the system right now. The poor can get state or federal medical care (which also pays the doctors next to nothing) and the rich can afford either good medical insurance or can afford to pay out of pocket.

    Ask your doctors what they think about nationalized health care. Most of mine are for it, and the ones who don't  just say they have no opinion.

    Also no presidential candidate is calling for nationalized health care. They are calling for universal health insurance. The reason for this being that insurance companies are one of the biggest, most wealthy lobbiers.

    Doesn't anyone find it appalling that out of all industrialized nations we have the highest number of preventable deaths due to lack of preventative health care?

    And the person who said that the uninsured have the option to go to free clinics is right, they do. However the care is sub par, your tax dollars typically *do* go to funding them, and the underinsured- those who do have insurance but still can't pay their cost of it- have far less resources.

    Chardy2005guy- we don't get a refund on the insurance premiums we pay in either if we don't get sick or hurt in any given year.

  3. It is if you are illegal, or indigent! I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't want to pay for your healthcare...get a job with bennies.

  4. You WANT free health care. Well I want a new car. Maybe I should ask the government for it... a bigger house would be nice too. Just WHAT is it you want in the way of free health care and how do you propose that the country should provide it... without going bankrupt, that is?

    Universal health care just doesn't work. If waiting for months... even years... is your idea of free health care, you are welcome to it. I sure don't want it. And it certainly isn't free! Look at the countries that have it now. They have double digit taxation.

    People can get free emergency care NOW. They can go to free clinics for acute care NOW. Many of the so-called uninsured in the US actually have access to insurance AND can afford it, they just CHOOSE not to. These are typically young adults who have other priorities in their lives.

    The problem is NOT as bad as the universal health care activists make it out to be. That's not to say, the health care system doesn't need reform... It does. But universal health care is NOT the answer.

  5. I pay less taxes than you because I don't have to work to pay for your health care. I just pay for my own. If someone doesn't get a job with health insurance they are able to purchase it if they want it.

  6. Uhh how about more money in my pocket so I can look after my family and not pay for everyone else?

    I don't rely on others to support me and neither should you.

  7. Because too many people are making too much money with the way things are.

  8. Nothing is free.  Your question is misstated.  I must assume you mean:  Why don't you force someone else to pay for your healthcare?

  9. because rich people are greedy and don't want to pay a little bit more taxes for the health care.

  10. do you work for free?

  11. Because all the money needs to go to a military force that is used to terrorize people on the other side of the world

  12. In this country there is a serious lack of understanding for Universal Health Care. Canada, France and many other countries care for the health of their citizens.  They may not be perfect, but none are denied health care.  

    America is a "for profit" nation. Our health care is far too expensive  and ruled by insurance and pharmaceutical companies and out of reach for many. Even with this fantastic health care many think they have, White Americans are not as healthy as the English. Many Americans are overweight, selfish and/or self-centered.  Wealthy or not, many of those who have  what they need do not care out those who don't. We want 24 hour shopping, restaurants, SUVs and Hummers.  We want cell phones, the latest electronics and gadgets.  Other than that, most of us don't really care about much.

    Oh. our public school systems need help and college (like health care) is far too expensive. The bottom line is, if you're not wealthy, you are expected to take what you can get. And if you can't get anything - who cares.

    The geniuses who answered that they don't want to pay for someone else to have health care prove that.  These same people are very happy giving the wealthiest people and businesses on the planet tax brakes and subsidies - check out corporate welfare.  Ignorance is bliss!!!

  13. Here in the U.K. we have a free health system but it's not free as such. Freeloaders can crack the system e.g. immigrants arrive by the lorryload and get looked after, kids leave school choose not to work and still get looked after, get pregnant deliberately to get a council house and free healthcare, single parents and freeloaders everywhere and the working populace pay the taxes to subsidise this lot. I could go on but you get my point. The U.S. may be right to a point. So my FREE healthcare is paid by the taxes I pay to get back what I may or may not claim in my lifetime........hey, thats a point, do I get a rebate if I don't get sick or put in a Hospital in any one tax year????? Think on that one!!!!!

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