
Why isn't high speed internet available for people in rural areas?

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Why isn't high speed internet available for people in rural areas?




  1. the population density is too low in rural areas.It`s not economically fesable for the company to install miles of cable that maybe only 3 or 4 people will use.It would take them forever to gain back the cost of installing and maintaining it.

  2. If it is not available in your area, check on sattilite service..they say it is the cost of putting the cables down for DSL that it would raise you bill ..also alot of cable companies are coming out with DSL also as part of their packages

  3. It's called net does it.

  4. Depending on what country you live in (like here in the United States) there could be several reason, not all of them valid.

    First, as has been said, density is an issue and it is related to profit (not cost).  There are not enough people to charge to justify the maintenance costs of the equipment.  Initial costs are trivial, keeping it powered, running and repaired are much more expensive for the telcos and cablecos.

    Second is demand.  Take a look around at your neighbours.  How many of them want high speed connections?  How many of them can afford it, even if it cost $30 a month which is cheap, even in most urban areas and because of the actual costs involved, rural prices tend to be higher.

    Third, distance.  Most of the technologies used by the telcos (DSL for example) are distance limited.  In urban areas, this is not a big deal because the "hubs" of these systems are at almost every corner but in rural areas, without the density, there is no economical way to shorten up the distances.

    Finally, there is a perception that people in rural areas just do not want it or have any need for it.  They are seen as being hold overs, or the children of hold overs that have no need of such modern conveniences, so apart from government facilities and the occasional library, you just do not find it.  Now this is not a good reason, but it is a fairly common one which has lead to a number of foundations dragging in a couple of highspeed lines and setting up local access through wireless or similar technologies to enable those that do want it to access it for free or greatly reduced costs.

  5. Because there are generally not enough people in rural areas for the companies to spend the money on on installing the newer lines for high speed service. It isn't cost effective for them to pay for the work when they will be making so little money due to the potential customers being so spread out.

  6. these are the things that make certain area a rural area. the world is big enough to provide everything to everyone.

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