
Why isn't it possible to get a Homeopathy degree at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard or Yale?

by Guest64899  |  earlier

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come on, why do you think?




  1. you know what these AltMed guys genuinly think we just harrass them on this forum for the sake of it because it's fun. ok it is fun especially with Darrens no bullshit attitude BUT I feel like we're making a difference. Imagine people looking on here for genuine medical advice. At least there's some sort of voice that might stop otherwise intelligent people falling for what these guys try to make seem like real treatments . At least they say "ah there's another side of the story lets investigate. my dad's a smart guy but when he had serious cancer he was desperate and his "friends" offered him a side-effect free solution, he was going to go for it. After a long discussion he was releived that i'd opened his eyes and 6 months later he's in remission. Oops was that an Anecdote?!?!?!  

    keep trying to save them lives guys, thank you


    OK so everyone on here has made up their minds. I have friends who have "made up their minds" doesn't mean I'm going to give up on them,because I love them.

    I love you aswell. I love people. Otherwise I'd just say s***w it it's your life get on with it. But your ignorance is infectious and you'll tell more people (and I love people) that this stuff is real and that would make me sad because i want people to be well. . . . .. because i love them so much.  Also I don't want to pay tax towards it if that's all the same to you, because it's not real.

    magic isn't real.. sorry

  2. The National College of Westminster does!

  3. Your questions are among the best advocacy for homeopathy.

  4. because its not based on ANY valid scientific field, biochemistry completely contradicts it's claims(the body reacts to chemicals not any sort of imaginary "water memory") and nothing in science suggests that you can reverse a chemicals effects completely(causing drowsiness rather than insomnia for instance) by reducing the dosage beyond a bare minimum.

  5. Yawn Yawn Yawn !!!

    Here he goes again------ Homeopathy basher! Boring!

    Why don't you ask a sensible question about Homeopathy - or better still try it for yourself ?? Or even listen to the answers you get to your questions ??

    Too scared to find that it does work eh ??

    By the way you can get a degree in Homeopathic medicine- just not at the 'red brick' unis you mention !

  6. Probably because it's not seen as an academic subject

  7. Because they don't do them???

    It's hardly likely to be an overly popular course. Those universities are extremely competitive; they only have a limited amount of places and therefore they have to keep them for popular courses.

    And really, it isn't much of an academic subject, is it?

  8. Because it's not part of their curriculum, they don't offer it, it's not an available choice.

    In other words you're asking how come they don't offer it?  In that sense, of why they don't offer it, it's because that form of treatment would not be readily acceptable in the medical community.  However most vaccines are based on the principle of homeopathics.

  9. No.  But all four universities offer courses in food, nutrition and health, during which alternative medicine would be discussed.

  10. Because homeopathy is completely junk science and has no business being taught anywhere.

  11. You and SkepDoc apparently believe that a profession is only legitimate if it's on the curriculum of traditional universities.  First, I'd ask how you know alternative health care, including homeopathy, isn't part of the curricula at these universities.  Second, I'd suggest you not be so closed minded to things you obviously don't understand.

  12. Probably because it isn't offered as a subject?

    There are probably a few subjects you can do in some very good universities which aren't offered in these particular establishments.

    I don't know why and don't care either......

    ...Why do you have to do this subject at universtity at all? Does it make you a better homeopath?

    I've don't usually blog on this but I have monitored the site for a while and feel i should say something because it is getting really silly.

    Its obvious that a few replies here are from the same person and its just the same people recycling the same old chestnut and arguing stupid points over and over again.

    Guess what Homeopathy aint popular, GET OVER IT MAN!

    You Wanna know summit else? The Medicle establishment doesn't like Homeopathy. WHOOPI DO! Get over that as well.

    You aint changing anything by arguing these points, anyone who is genuinely looking for information wouldn't go near these questions and everyone else has made their minds up already.

  13. for the same reason you can't take one in Astrology, Necromancy, Tarot Card Reading, or Advanced Interpretation of Chicken Entrails.


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