
Why isn't it working?

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I am trying to make some money by selling some items of clothing etc on Ebay but nothing is selling for more than 99p at a time.

This is my 1st time on Ebay & i'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong.

If you have the time prehaps you could take a look at the site & give me your opinion I really need to make a bit of money straight away & I thought this would be the way to do it but with postage bags, labels, fees & costs I'm selling at a loss !!!!! What am I doing wrong ? !




  1. You're probably just selling the wrong things.

    E-bay has gone downhill over the past 5 years or so, and it's not profitable to sell small items for most people.

    You may want to try selling your items as a group - this will save on shipping costs and listing fees.  Plus, you can set the price higher and generate better bidding wars.

    Good Luck!


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