
Why isn't more being done to stop global warming?

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It seems to me that everyone just wants to sit around and talk about it, but the government isn't actually doing anything... does anyone else realize how quickly it's becoming a bigger and bigger problem? people are still driving their SUVs around




  1. Why isn't more being done to stop the tide from coming in?  Why isn't more being done to end gravity?  These are just as rational as your question.  Global Warming is a natural event.  Nature has burnt TONNES of coal in under ground fires--about as much as China burns in a year--for at least the last 10,000 years, where was the global warming then??  It is a scam and merely a means to control you.  Think for yourself and break out of the control matrix.

  2. You will find the answer to your question by reading people's responses. These people are all really selfish and are not willing to change their ways. Many are not willing to lead by example. They say other countries need to do it first it is not fair if we have to set the example. Some will tell you they will not change because Al Gore flies in private airplanes. Once again they will not lead by example they use the fact that Al Gore is kind of a hyprocrite to excuse themselves for not caring about the environment. So my advice to you? Just realize you can't do anything to convince people. Just do what you think is right and try the best to lead by example. Maybe if enough people do that something can be done before it is too late, although it is probably already too late.

  3. It's a myth unless you believe what SOME scientists say.

  4. Global warming can not be controlled by man.

  5. The simplest answer I can give to this question is that people dont like change. If we suddenly decided that we would no longer use gas, but alternative sources for fuel, many of the richest people in the world would go bankrupt. They have the money to ensure that this never happens, despite what it does to the environment. Also, everyone in todays day and age only cares about themselves and lives for the moment. People honestly dont care if they are ruining the world for the future as long as they are happy now.

  6. Scientists say we're having an average couple of degrees of warming, with a 2 or 3 degree margin of error.  Given the long view, this might just as well be a statistical bump on the historical cooling trends (that was the scare back in the 1970s).  

    If Global Warming is true, we will have to find a way to keep volcanos from spitting tons of ash into the air. We'll need a way to provide viable incomes to third world nations that clear-cut their forests and burn the wood in huge bonfires (adds carbon to the atmosphere and destroys nature's air filters at the same time.)  And we'll have to convince China, India and SouthEast Asia to shut down the factories that make all these cheap goods we buy at WalMart.

  7. The people in power are detached from the possible effects of Global Warming. I think that the younger generation of America understands the immediate urgency of the problem because it has the power to affect our future. If we played a larger role in the governmental process, I think that we would begin seeing large strides to fight global warming. The sad thing is that most people under the age of thirty either are prevented from running for office by law, or run for office and aren't taken seriously because of their age (perceived as a lack of experience).

  8. How has it been a problem for you today?  It hasn't been a problem for anybody yet.. if it ever will be one.

    Everything is just a theory based on stacks of worst case scenerios.  And the real kicker is even if we completely destroyed our economies and way of life, regressing humanity back to the stone age.. we still couldn't stop it.

    Global warming is NOT caused by humans, it was taking place LONG before we got here.

  9. Don't worry sweetie the one in control of the world is still on the job. He won't let us down, just do your part and and relax that what we all have to do.. happy new year.

  10. Global Warming has been going on for thousands of years.  What do you recommend they do?  SUV's are not the problem, the politicians are linking them to our dependency of foreign oil.  You better keep these two issues straight or they will rob you blind.

  11. "People are still driving their SUVs around"! Ha!

    Why does no one take climate change seriously? Because of comments like yours. As if one class of motor vehicle which has only existed for a couple of decades is the sole cause of the end of the world as we know it. People see ignorance like that and it discredits the entire idea.

  12. Man-made global warming is nothing more than a scam, by

    scientists who love the grant money they get, and goofs like

    Al Gore, who's making money hand-over-fist by flying all over

    doing speaking engagements, and pimping his book the whole time. Perhaps he can trade books for "carbon credits",

    and use those to pay the electric bill on his home in Tennessee.

    The hilarious thing is that the Kyoto Protocol allows these

    made-up carbon credits to be bought and sold. That means if you have enough money, you don't have to do anything any

    differently, just spend your money. This entire "sky is falling"

    fake situation is an attempt by globalist entities to tax the US

    into a state of Third-World existence.


  13. what part are you doing? you are on this site using a computer that was made using resorces that contribute to greenhouse gasses and using electricity that uses greehouse gasses, you probably own a TV, DVD player and many other things you dont actually need but want and like.

    others are no differebt that you they have things they want, until you revert to the stone age you have no bussiness complaining about their use of resources.

    plus it is hard to take a cause serious when their spokespeople own 4 or 5 mansions and jet arond the world, have 10 or more cars and make their living holding concerts that use more energy that entire cities or making movies that use entire counties energy for a year just for one movie. all thid so they can entertain people not like they are saving lives with what they do.

    lead by example or people wont follow

  14. What would you have us do? And why to you feel anything needs to be done? Sure, I believe in global warming, but I do find it hard to believe the effects of global warming aren't natural. Our climate goes hot and cold and back. That is what history shows. Scientist can show this. I believe the warming thing, but not sure we need to do anything about it. Just because we can discover something does not mean we have all the answers. Sort of like, just because we have the ability to clone a human, doesn't mean we should start genetically altering babies. Similar issues. Just remember this, a lot of these green scientists are all lobbying for their fair share of grant money. They are all going to tell you that they have the answer, that they discoved the Earth is going to end. This is true on both sides. What if these effects didn't take place for thousands of years...would you care. And for every bad thing that will be contributed to global warming, what about the good things. Where I live it is cold now....a warmer climate might be nice. Where on animal or plant my die, maybe another will flurish. Who's to determine what is important and what is not?   Again, as I said....I am not convinced on the effects nor what could possibly be done about them.

  15. *If you think for one minute that I'm going to listen to the likes of Algore,your nuts! That's the biggest phony and hypocrite on the face of this earth!

    His "carbon foot print" can be seen from the "ISS" 230 miles in space.

    How about all his wealth comes from Oxidental Petroleum Company? Or dosen't that count because he's Algore?

    Do you really think that humans can create more co2 and other polutants than an erupting volcano? I've been trying to find out if any air quality tests have been taken when one erupts,but I can't find any reports. Why?

    Reports based on a computer model or flawed. The data entered is theory only,not hard fact. A computer only gives out what HUMANS put in.

    If these "experts" were serious about stop human activities,they wouldn't be selling "carbon credits".

    They wouldn't be giving the "Chicoms" a pass on their enormous contributions to "Global warming".

    I know I've lost alot of you,because reasoning is something foreign to you and you don't understand what's really going on.

  16. The problem is that a lot of people still don't believe that it is caused by CO2 emmissions.  Others, like corporate greed people, know that measures to stop global warming could harm their interests.

  17. My friend, this there is a very easy answer to this. There is just to much money invested in foregin oil companies.

  18. i think you first need to get other countries to do it like china ,north korea,malaysia where open burning of fossil fuels is not regulated.why just america?why should we be the ones to suffer when all gore burns more fuel in one trip across america than a suv uses in two tears?hmmmm wonder where the problem is?

  19. The lack of objective science is the reason, look at the answers you have received.

    Did you know the entire global warming argument is signed off as compliant after being designed in a calculator? All the laws are in place, we couldn't see temperature objectively beyond our visible spectrum.

    Thermografix Consulting Corporation did 2o years of research taking professionals outside the calculator and the results were staggering. Go to and see what the interaction of UV with building development is doing to change weather.

    For those of you denying global warming and thinking this is a natural cycle? Did you know that 100% of you are loaded with toxins including banned pesticides, and mercury from wasted electrical generation? How does a baby that has never taken a breath get incinerated garbage inside them before they take their first breath?

    Babies don't have an immune system to protect themselves so go to the link above and link on to the study on polluted newborns. It means a death sentence from conception because of these chemicals, does that sound natural?

    This Christmas on the news was evident in how ridiculous the global warming argument is. CNN, Anderson Cooper does the amazing show "Planet in Peril" which talks about what we are doing to the planet that sustains all life. This Christmas, the same news channel shows North Americans stampeding into malls and stores to buy stuff which involves packaging that is a waste of resources and a toxin to produce.

    North Americans complain about China's pollution even though the pollution was outsourced by North Americans so China could produce our stuff cheaper, lead painted products and standards that we wouldn't allow in North America.

    I design and create emissions for economy and otherwise, it is disgusting to watch us waste our resources while we politically talk about the immediate need for reduction.

    Did you know the leader of Canada's government leader wrote papers disputing global warming as an opposition member and now as a leader he is addressing the issue politically? The process is blind and reacting to symptoms.

    Go to to see the challenge being put to the Western Governors

  20. Because it is a phony political argument.  The Earth cools off and it warms up; naturally.  It has absolutly nothing to do with us humans.  Look at the long term history of weather on Earth; you will see ice ages and warm ages.  Mother Earth is a tough old broad, and we mere humans cannot break her.

  21. dude I'm going to say it once yes global warming is happening yes we as the human race are speeding it up but my friend it is a natural occurrence it has happened before all that will happen is the ice will melt the mid Atlantic cu rent will be disrupted and we will be living in a ******* land of freezing cold

  22. Ok, what's the answer?

    Truth is, there isn't one definable one that works.

  23. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!   The reason more isn't 'being done' is because humans do not have the ability to affect climate change, either cooling or warming!  The 'global warming' movement is simply the new home for Socialist/Communist elements in society.  The objective is to take individual rights away from citizens under the promise of a 'greater good'.  It really has nothing to do with the climate at all.   The fact is, it's not becoming a bigger problem, it's just being reported as a problem.  You won't hear on the news,, for example, that the northern Ice pack is refreezing at a record setting pace. It doesn't fit the news template.  Doesn't it seem strange to you that the same people who thing eeevil white males are ruining the Earth's climate are the same crowd who think that humans are an insignificant creature (not as smart as dolphins, etc).   Fine, let the dolphins figure it out.

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