
Why isn't my Yahoo Image Search not working?

by  |  earlier

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i have always used Yahoo Image Search.Now all of a sudden,it won't show me any images.No matter what i search for,it says 'We did not find results for ...whatever'.The video search and all others still work.i use image search all the time....Help!




  1. The problem can be from other party also as technical problem issues relating to server's,then you need to contact via E-mailing with your email ID and your complain headline and problem description or fillup the mail feedback online-form.

    Email Yahoo! at these addresses: (Y! Customer Support)

    Contact Yahoo by phone:

    Yahoo! Customer Service


    You can also fill out these "Online Help" forms, which lets Yahoo know that you're experiencing that problem as you have mentioned here, and wait for a reply from Yahoo Customer Support:

  2. Hi, I know this isn't exactly the way you said it but the problem most find with Yahoo answers is no images appearing and a screen full of empty boxes with red squares on them. The way to solve this issue is to turn off parental control with the virus protection software as all virus protection software have a Parental tick box these days.

    The reason I'm bringing this up with you is because if your parental control on your software is set to high (or whatever your highest security level is) maybe it's blocking everything as my parental control even stops me looking at estate agent homes??

    Maybe have a go turning it off, afterall, computers are all "trial and error".  It's yet another thing to knock off the list before you speak to the Yahoo team about the problem.

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