
Why isn't my basil growing?

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I live in the really fertile area of Logan, Utah. I have been growing basil and tomatoes on the north-facing patio behind my townhouse in large planter boxes. I water them everyday, but for some reason the leaves are turning yellow and crispy. Everyone else grows large swatches of basil on their farms with great success, and my mom has been growing planter-box basil in Salt Lake City for years and hers always grows big and poofy. Even my neighbor has some basil growing in a bucket outside and hers is bigger.

My basil was transplanted on May 15, and it was about 5-6 inches above the roots when I transplanted. It grew about 2 inches upward and sprouted some new leaves, but now it just won't grow. The leaves are really small and the plant is about 6 inches shorter than is normal for a basil plant this time of year. I need my basil!




  1. takes water,sun & food to grow any of those & it's dead

    meat if any of the above is missing

  2. Too much water?  Use a moisture meter to see if they need watering.

    Not enough sun?  I have mine in full Arizona sun and they ar eloving it.

    Too much fertilizer?

  3. I grew basil for years and had great success...until I moved it to an area where it gets just the tiniest bit less sunshine.  I'd move it somewhere that it gets full sun exposure all day if possible.

  4. water it, give it oxygen or fertiliser and sun

  5. Well Ive noticed that basil grows well with moderate watering and the more sun the bigger. As far as fertilizers go i would only use homemade compost call me weird but it just tastes better. My basil always reaches at least 2 to 3 feet and to delay any flowering i pull the tops when they start to make the tight leaf pyramid shape.

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