
Why isn't my dad ever happy with what i do....?

by  |  earlier

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like in notes and stuff he acts as though like his not angry but kinda like....o i thought you were better than this i thought you were smarter....and i try my ******* hardest...i=and im not like low but im not all 20s either.....but he just makes me feel worthless and like an idiot and ahhhh....i just wwant him to be happy with what i do....and some times like i kinda...look like im about to cry because the things he says they just really hurt....and so my mum gets angry at hima and he just goes ...o no your ok with your notes....but i know he doesn't mean it and it just really really hurts me ......

ahhh sorrry i just had to get that out of my system




  1. In a way... my girlfriend is having the same problems... Maybe your dad doesn't understand. Talk to you mom about it. She may be able to help you.

    won't know until you try..

  2. will i got the same problem with mi mum soo i dunno if i can help ....just u got to know who u r just ....4get he said it he talks and all u hear is blah blah blah and 1 day he will understand u :D

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