
Why isn't my gerbil drinking water?

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I just got a gerbil 8-5-08 and I've noticed I haven't seen him drink since I got him. At first my sister said he probably still needs to get used to his new surroundings. But I figured he'd have to drink water some day. So is he really drinking, just when I'm not there or is he not drinking at all? And if he isn't drinking...why??




  1. My hamster was the same way when i first got him. I don't know too much about gerbils but if they are anything like hamsters they are more active at night and my hamster was doing most of his eating and drinking and moving around at night so you could just be missing him do it.  

  2. i'm sure you just missed him drinking. is he eating properly? if he is, he should be drinking.

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