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It’s been more than half an hour and I haven’t seen it in this category. Here it is: Do you think most anti-feminists are sexists? This question is not intended for anti-feminists. So please do not answer if you're against feminism.




  1. i'm neither a feminist, nor anti-feminist.. and definitely not sexist.

    i agree with the idea of equality lobbied by feminism.. but i hate the concept of 'finding faults in men' to push the agenda.

  2. I would think male anti-feminists are sexists but female anti-feminists are just plain ignorant.  Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, I said 'ignorant' as in unaware, I didn't say 'stupid' as in incapable of being aware.

  3. I know that im not supposed to answer but.... i support the concept of a blend between equality and realism, i dont support sexism, that is why i have been labeled an anti feminist.

    @ my cassie, great answer  : )

  4. My answer is Yes.  A lot of people don't understand what feminism really is.  They think it's about hairy women grabbing men by the balls and tossing out of windows.  They think it's about women hating men and wanting men at home wearing pink aprons.  They don't get that feminism is about fighting for equality for women in a world where women are constantly being disparaged and treated like garbage.  

    A lot of people are all, "I want to be a stay -at-home mom, so I'm not a feminist".  Well, there are plenty of feminists that don't work outside the home.  Feminists have fought for the right for a woman to choose to work or to stay home.  People don't realize that.

  5. We ARE against feminism.

    Read some of Erin Pizzey's books and you will understand. She was the founder of women's refuges and all she got for her trouble were death threats from feminists.

  6. no

  7. I think some of them are, but I don't think that it's safe or fair to say that all of them are.

  8. I know you don't want me to answer but I am for equality for women, but totally against the sexist laws that feminism has created against men e.g. VAWA;...

  9. I'm simply me. No labels attached and no judgement of those with their labels because you can't truly know a person based off of arbitrary words like feminist or anti-feminist.

    I believe in women's rights but I don't believe in more rights for women.

    I believe in equality of opportunity. Everyone deserves the chance to reach for their goals in a fair and unbiased way but no one deserves preferential treatment, whether they are a woman, man, black, white, asian, etc.

  10. Many anti-feminists believe that women are just as good as men, but that they have different roles and can never fill the exact same place in society which men do.

  11. No, many anti-feminists are women. The most prominent anti-feminist writers are female and categorized as feminists themselves. "Feminist" and "anti-feminist" are arbitrary terms. People critical of feminism are not critical of women and women's rights - they're critical of status quo in women's studies curriculum which many consider dishonest and misandrist, and critical of gender-specific political lobby groups - both disguised as "feminism", whatever that means.

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