
Why isn't my site found in searches?

by  |  earlier

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I recently I submitted my site to several search engines and directories, but when I personally do a search using my correct url, they say no site found, no results, etc. WHY is this happening? When I put my url into the browser it takes me straight to my site, as its suppose to do---but none of the searches find me---is this normal? Also HOW LONG before I'm found in the searches? I don't yet have any "link exchanges" as its new---Help please! Thanks---also please advise for BEST way to speed this up if no/little advertising budget ! I need this to work for me---zillions of sites and right now mine is lost in all of them. I did do the keywords etc as we all are told to do!




  1. This could be for many different reasons and without seeing the site in question impossible to say which reason exactly.

    Make sure you have followed the correct advice (rather than the mostly wrong advice you will find everywhere on the web).

    Take a look through these pages which are on two of the very few websites with accurate and up to date information. &

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