
Why isn't my site publishing on the web?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering why my Yahoo! Sitebuilder website isn't publishing onto the Internet. Is it something I blocked? It won't publish when I need it to. And I need help to all you Yahoo! experts.




  1. I don't know much about Site Builder I use Page Builder myself it's Awesome,  but you can try  naming your file index and uploading it to your root directory ..  example:  tigerland.index and if you upload the file to a sub directory be sure to type the correct address in your browser .. example:  ''

    also maybe include a little more information to your question,

    Hope this helps..

  2. is yahoo get you free hosting?if its free you cant get any claims

    i think it dosnt work cause not developed yet i guess.

    tell me which site you want to make?

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