
Why isn't pluto a planet anymore?

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i just don't know why




  1. Pluto and its moon Charon, which would both have been planets under the initial definition proposed Aug. 16, now get demoted because they are part of a sea of other objects that occupy the same region of space. Earth and the other eight large planets have, on the other hand, cleared broad swaths of space of any other large objects.

  2. its kinda hard to explain.mainly becouse its very tiny.and that it has an uneven orbit.thers more but i dont wanna go into them

  3. Too small to be considered a planet anymore

  4. pluto is is plannet frm 76 yrs it doesnt mean that it will not be plannet any more it will be .but their our some problem bcz pluto is cutting the another planets orbit so it is becomming a problem in another plannets . pluto is becoming only a prb other wise dere is no prb.


    aman gandhi

    ips society


  5. toooooo small.

  6. Bcoz it is a dwarf planet.

  7. Modern technology allowed us to detect many more objects like Pluto.

    Basically the choice was to keep Pluto as a planet, which would mean we have an increasing number of planets, or to group this sort of objects into their own category.

  8. many characteristics of pluto do not follow the remaining 8planets within the solar system.. its not a terresterial planet like mercury, venus, earth, or mar... and it isnt a gas planet like jupiter, saturn, uranus and pluto to put it simple words... and in 2003 several "new planets" were discover'd beyond pluto.... however in a big debate in 2006... scientists and astronomers redefine'd the definition of a planet and create'd something new call'd a dwarf planet... now... pluto and 3other new celesial bodies on the outskirts of our solar system is classified as "dwarf planets"

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