
Why isn't she taken me seriously on child abuse?

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I told my mother i was going to report her for child abuse if she didn't say she was sorry for dissing me at McDonald's. I told her she had no right to call me a baby telling me i need diapers and to wear a bib all because i threw ketchup around. I even showed her the number. she dared me to call and explain to them what happened and told me they can probably use a good laugh. Then she told i am still a baby and stick a pacifier in my mouth. why isn't she taken me seriously on this?




  1. lol

  2. Oh, you're back again? I hope your mom calls you a baby everyday until you go find a hobby that isn't the internet.

  3. CPS isn't going to take a kid away from a parent for FEEDING them, which is apparently what she was doing with you at mc donalds.  

  4. dude you are STILL griping about this?? Come on get a life and grow up. CPS will defiantly get a laugh out of what you are griping about! She isn't taking you seriously because you have no lagitamate reason to call CPS! They have better things to do than listen to whiney little children like you who have nothing better to do! Grow up and act your age and quit complianing! If you were my child I would have done the same thing!

  5. Ha!  Thanks, I needed a good laugh too!

  6. How are old are you?  If you are old enough to call some one for child abuse.  You are old enough to understand the difference between what is child abuse and whats not.  Do your parents put a roof over you head?  Do they feed you every day?  Do they tell you they love you?  I know that being a kid is some times hard.  But if your parents are not beating you and caring for you like you should.  Then you need to grow up.

  7. Go away you ask this question about 4 times a month. Stop wasting peoples time!! And grow up

  8. CPS usually deals with parents that physically hurt their kids or have neglected, or abandoned  them. I'm sorry that she treated you that way, but why were you throwing ketchup around? That does seem  little immature.

  9. Just call already....then she'll take you seriously!!  

  10. cause you are a baby if you think that that is child abuse. GROW UP

  11. Because its not child abuse.  Child protective services wont do anything and it would just be a waste of there time to call them.

  12. You're obsessed! Go to therapy and find out why you're so selfish and feel the need to act like an infant. Chances are, your mom's so fed up with your antics and you being an idiot that she finally snapped. I know I would.  

  13. lol cause no one would, you keep posting this but you just a brat

    child service will just tell you you should grow up and go back to macdonalds apologising to them for behaving like a 5 year old

    your mom knows this :P hence she laugh

  14. Because you ARE acting like a baby.

    Child Protective Services have more important things to worry about then a bratty teenager who isn't getting their way. Don't waste their time.

  15. This same old story?  You come back every few months complaining about this, over and over.

    Your mother is right-call and report her.  What do you think they are going to do?  She and/or the manager should report YOU to the police for vandalism.

    GROW UP.

  16. Maybe because you were throwing ketchup around?

  17. maybe your mom knows that kids have been using that threat for years and she thinks that she has done nothing wrong. maybe you should try telling how you feel instead of using silly threats, because lets face it if you wanted to call you would have already done it. if you want your mom to take you seriously then why dont you sit her down and tell her how you feel about what she is doing. and just so you know throwing ketchup around is acting lke a baby. if you dont want to be treated like a baby then dont act like one!

  18. Ed,

    Everyone is NOT out to get you.  You're 16 years old.  You were acting like an infant and your mother was trying to get you to realize that.  You have some issues, Ed.  You need to realize that this was no where near child abuse.  Please, by all means, call a child abuse hotline and tell them about this.  When they tell you it isn't child abuse, ask them to give you some examples of what really is child abuse - or just watch your local news.  Children and teenagers all over this country are horribly abused by their parents - physically, emotionally, and sexually.  Your situation doesn't even come close.  

    I don't know how long you have been posting this question or a form of it but I know I've seen it many times - using this name and at least one other and you've done it in multiple categories.  Did you know you are abusing Yahoo Answers - violating the community guidelines?

    "Posting the same question more than once is discouraged. However, if you post a question and don’t receive satisfactory answers, it’s OK to try posting in another category or at another time. However, if you do it excessively and in a short period of time, you may be reported as being in violation."

    "Sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect category for your question. We know that mistakes sometimes happen and miscategorization of a question is not automatically considered a violation. However, repeatedly posting questions in the wrong category could result in a violation of the Community Guidelines."

    You threatened to report your mom for abusing you for her comments if she didn't apologize.  Shall we report you for abusing for your questions?  

    What do you think?

  19. Well first of all,

    Social services would not take you away because your mother called you baby. The way you acted was imature and rude, but neverless she did not have the right to stick a pacifer in your mouth, now if she stuck it in your mouth without force then no you cant make a case with that, but if she held your arms or physical restrained you or hurt you trying to put it in your mouth, then you could get action their, but i would reccomend going to the police first, they can help you try and get a new home. But i dont think you'd be better off without her, she really isnt too abusive.

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