
Why isn't taxation as evil as theft?

by Guest57642  |  earlier

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Why isn't taxation as evil as theft?




  1. Because taxes (usually) benefit America. They go to make and uphold something called infrastructure. You know, schools, roads, hospitals, police and firefighters, etc., etc.

  2. It is  both evil and theft. See on Internet 1040 CHECKMATE

  3. Our devious Congress, which is less popular than Bush, would tell you It was instituted to pay for WW I and it stuck. It was initiated by our elected representatives so, since they legally represent US, it is legal.

    I say it is time to get them to represent US and make it a campaign issue at every election until the issue is well aired and they actually start truly representing us or are voted OUT.

  4. Taxation IS theft! It's just (barely) legal theft.

  5. It is theft.  It is supposedly not as bad because it is state sanctioned.

  6. It might interest you to know that the Constitution originally banned the taxing of income.   What did our founding fathers know that we didn't?  I'd say that our founding fathers knew that taxing income was a socialistic form of government support and that it would make the legislature filthy rich so that they would spend money irresponsibly and act like aristocrats.   And, of course, that is exactly what happened.

    You should also know (while I'm teaching you to be more cynical than you are) that the supreme court overturned the original Civil Rights Bill of 1865 (or was it 1863?) because popular opinion was against giving civil rights to blacks.   The Dred Scott decision also said that blacks were not citizens so our government does whatever is financially expedient at the time.

    Taxing income was  the opening of Pandora's Box.   We'll never get a constitutional amendment restoring the ban on taxing income unless we somehow can dissolve Congress and start over again with a new and improved legislative branch that has term limits.

  7. It depends "who" is stealing.

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