
Why isn't the United States helping georgia.

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Why isn't the united states helping georgia, i mean they helped us. Why are we sitting back, and letting all of those people die. When the georgia military went to iraq to die for bushes cause. Is the united states scared of russia. I'm not saying put our troops on the ground, but we do have superior air power. I just wanna know what you guys think about the situation, and what you think will happen.




  1. When did Georgia help us?  We have enough problems here. Our country is falling apart, we don't need to get involved in more wars.

  2. There are probably many reasons.  We are currently already spread out in multiple conflicts.  Both manpower and money are most likely an issue.  A big part of the issue, I believe, is the influence of liberal forces.  Liberal U.N. nations, liberal politicians, and liberal media.  These people do not learn from the past, and if they had their way we would never go to war for any reason.  They completely forget that we tried that once-upon-a-time, and after World War 1 we realized we could not totally ignore the world around us.  It does not take much intelligence to know that not everybody can be reasoned with.  We call these people our allies.  Frankly after this display I don't know why any nation would want to be called our allie.  What if a nation invaded us and nobody came to our assistance.

    Some people are saying Georgia started this.  They say that they attacked their peacekeepers.  Anybody who understand any of this knows that the Russian forces there are not peacekeepers.  They have intentionally came in and setup camp in a neighboring country.

    Imagine if there was a large group of people in southern Texas loyal to Mexico.  Mexico sends in troups and establishes a small base there.  We go there to push them out and take back our land.  Mexico sends in a large amount of forces, crushes our troops, bombs some of our cities and schools, and then tells the international community we started it.  It's an impossible scenario, but it gives you an idea of how rediculous it is to say Georgia started it.

    Also there is some liberal propaganda on here stating that the president of Georgia is a U.S. puppet.  If you learn anything about him, you'll find that he helped turn that country around.  The people put him in power and love him.  The country was very corrupt before his party came.  They fired almost the entire police force and totally built it from the ground up.  Before the approval of the police forces was about 5%.  It is now at around 70%.  Carefull about what liberal propaganda tells you, they will say anything to get their further their agenda's.  

    Theres information everywhere.  Read up and decide for yourself.  Just make sure the information is reliable.  

  3. we'll we can always do a draft to put more people into the armed forces :D

  4. Because they already involved in Iraq.

  5. no oil

  6. Sure just send troops in. Send them a few billion dollars. But remember, no new taxes right?

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