
Why isn't the gov't able to tax marijuana if it was legal and why exactly would they lose $?

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Why isn't the gov't able to tax marijuana if it was legal and why exactly would they lose $?




  1. They would be able to tax it if it was legal.

    The biggest problem is that the black market for it is so huge, it would be hard to really control the sale.  

  2. The Gvt would have to get the seeds under control. Because it grows fast and spreads easily. Uncle Sam would not be able to collect on every plant.

  3. Because 'weed' is a weed and 'grass' grows like grass. Hence, it would be too difficult to control as a substance because it is too easy to grow at home. There are other psychedelic plants like this that are still legal (e.g., some common garden flowers; Morning Glory, for example), but most are unknown to the public. Tobacco, on the other hand, is a very difficult crop to cultivate and easier for the government to track down and restrict. Also, tobacco companies don't want marijuana, an obviously better product, destroying their market, so they pay-off politicans and keep it illegal.

  4. When you make something legal there is more of it.  

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