
Why isn't the news covering the naval blockade that the US is planning on Iran?

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Senate Resolution # 580 and # HR 6304 is basically a bill that declares war on Iran by enforcing a Naval Blockade and according to international law, a blockade is not legal or its considered an act of war / declaration of war.

Just wondering if this is being covered in the main stream media or if a war with iran just isnt that important.

Has anyone else heard about this?




  1. There IS no war with Iran- it is only speculated.

    There IS no naval blockade of Iran - it is only speculated.

    You cite Senate and House Resolutions, but they are on vacation and will not be back for 5 weeks.  After that, they will be in "lame duck" mode during the Presidential election.

    The news isn't covering this stuff because it won't happen.

  2. These are just contingency plans if a conflict breaks out. You have to think ahead and have some plans ready to go. There are probably all kinks of military plans that we don't know about.  

  3. The illegal occupation of Iraq was pure stupidity.  An attack on Iran is suicide.

  4. Unpassed resolutions does not a blockade make.


  5. Why if you read the bill, it is near enough same, word by word what 'AIPAC' proposed. You think incompetent media will air anything that affects us average citizen.

    That's not all just recently we found out, d**k Cheney and cronies had special meeting, as to how to provoke Iran into a war. One of Cheney's idea was to make some boats(like Iranians), send some soldiers acting as Iranians, and fire on US troops. In other words sacrifice your own troops for your own ill plans.

    The brainstorm Cheney apparently had was, the incident when it was alleged Iranian boats were harassing American ships. So the lesson administration learned, if done right American emotions can be manipulated to go to war.

    Only thing stooping these neo-cons are Generals themselves, fighting another front against neo-cons. Don't think for one second neocons are doing it for benefit of America, rather for them it is security of Israel that matters, then Iran has said it will start trading in Euros.

    Admiral Mullen has clearly warned and told Israel, US can not afford to open up another front. Defense Secretary Robert Gates firmly stated, war against Iran will disastrous on many levels. US has the highest deficit in history, and another war like Iraq will definitely bankrupt America.

    . . . but it seems corporate interests backed by administration and fueled by neocons are more important than the well being of the country and its citizens.

    The 20th century has been characterised by three developments of great political importance. The growth of democracy; the growth of corporate power; and the growth of corporate propaganda against democracy.

    ~ (Alex Carey) - Taking the Risk out of Democracy (1997)

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