
Why isn't the real "troopergate" story being told?

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The current flap which has cost her a ten point loss of popularity (she's still 82%!) was over firing a popular Commissioner of Public Safety who is responsible for our Alaska State Troopers. She fired him for no stated reason, which was her prerogative as the guv. He served entirely at her option. She and her whole family had a bad, bad experience with a rogue Trooper who was married to Sarah's sister. His name is Trooper Wooten. This dimwit Trooper had threatened Sarah's father (death threat!), threatened Sarah ("I'll get you too"), Tasered his 12 year old stepson, drove drunk in his AST cruiser, got a pass by a fellow Trooper who stopped him for erratic driving a second time while in civvies, and just a host of other things not yet released to the public. He got away with it and got another pass by the Commissioner's appointed AST Trooper Internal Affairs investigator with a tiny slap on the wrist. Five days off without pay to be exact.

This maverick Trooper is still on the payroll but only just. The union's intervention saved his malcontent butt. He'll yet get his, I'm sure. Incredible heat is being heaped on the Troopers. Public heat, not the Governors office.

The Democrats had the audacity to appoint an obviously biased investigator, Rep. "Gunny" French (so called because he lied about being in the USMC while running for the legislature) is a staunch liberal and probably under the orders of Senate President Lyda Green who hates Sarah. She hates Sarah because after being elected Governor Sarah told the whole Legislature in one of her first meetings with them that, quote; "All of you here need some Adult Supervision!"

Sarah was seriously angry and not afraid of anyone there. That played wonderfully well with Alaskans. We are sick of all of our corruption watched her successful battles against a seriously entrenched corrupt government before she took on the legislature. The whole legislature was angry back at her and still are, but also afraid of her because of her popularity.

She reminds me personally of our Alaska wolverine which will fight anything in its path if it sees fit to do so. No respect at all for size or position.

In closing I must tell you that she is the best, most moral and most focused leader I've seen since President Reagan. I feel, really strongly that like Alaska, the rest of our country will love her within a few weeks. Put simply, she represents Middle America like no leader we've ever had.




  1. Because it is still being investigated.  There is no doubt the Trooper is quite a creep, but that does not mean one can abuse their power to settle a family matter.  Not saying she did that, but if she did, it is wrong.  The investigation will hopefully result in shedding some light on whether or not she used he gubernatorial powers improperly.

  2. Your guess is as good as mine. In my experience, however, I've rarely seen the truth in the media. I've seen more spin than anything.

  3. I would appreciate some sources for your info...this seems more like a long rant than an actual question.

    My answer to the actual question is as follows: Because you're version is most likely mostly factually correct, but still highly biased to one side. You ramble on about Sarah Palin being a wolverine, but in fact, she has a history of firing people who disagree with her and don't properly support her, such as the fire chief and chief librarian of her Wasilla, when she was mayor.  

  4. Isn't Troopergate part of the Bubba Clinton - Paula Jones legacy?

  5. because nobody cares about the real truth.

    just like the conservatives dont care that R vs W will never be overturned. it was ruled on medical privacy....with HIPAA being the brain child of that. have fun. nothing but another mere talking point.

  6. Why isn't the truth told? Because people would rather believe that she is abusing her power to go after her poor underling brother in law without hearing any facts except what's played on the press.  I could see that he was lying the moment I saw his lips moving.  

    She's a fighter for justice and honest government and has nothing to hide.

  7. I figured it was something like that. To be sure, ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC and are all trying to track this guy down and put him on the air. They may just get what they deserve if they do.

  8. The real problem is most liberals and democrats are afraid.

    They are afraid they might have to make a decision for themselves.

    They are afraid to stand up for themselves.

    They are afraid that there is a strong person that might actually hold them accountable for thier own actions.

    There in lies the root of the problem.

    The liberals have this notion that people owe them something. I got news for you.

    The US Constitution states: "We have the right to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness"


    Really, Do you think the government can run your life better than you can? Are you so still stuck on your mothers t*t that you can't think or do for yourself?

    As far as the governments ability to run a successfull social program, look at their track record. Not one program that isn't rife with scandal, mis-managment, and or debt.

    FACT: The US goverment in 2007 contributed  $36 Billion dollars to charites.

    Americans contributed $306 billion dollars and did a much better job without government intervention.

    If  you or any of democratic politicians really want these social programs or want the IRS to collect more taxes then there is nothing stopping you from opening your wallet or writing a check.

    I bet you won't do that, will you?

    NEWS FLASH: Niether has Obama or Pelossi.

    Of the millions of dollars Pelosi makes she gave a whopping $1,500 and that was to a San Fransico orchesrta.

    That according to her 2007 tax filings.

    If you are in debt or struggling to get by take control of your life. Stop being needy. It is your fault and know one eleses that you are where you are. You made your choices no one else did.


  9. ROFLMAO! Nice try but you gave too much praise.

  10. This bimbo abused her power to get back at the guy whjo was divorcing her sister.

  11. After reading you "question" one thing is for sure, the real story is yet to be discussed.The investigation is bipartisan and no proof of these allegations have been offered. Republicans usually respect Police and the fact that the troopers side of this story is no where to be found is troubling.

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