
Why isn't the white man in the North Americas considered an illegal?

by Guest58268  |  earlier

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How many applied for citizenship from the Native Americans? How many learned their customs, language, & culture? Aside from the missionaries & western mountain men, not very many.

After we acquired the land, mostly through theft & murder, we put the few Native People still left on reservations to starve after most of the buffalo were driven to near extinction. Tried to teach them English & farming which were alien concepts, in an attempt to destroy their culture.

But for some reason, no one considers the original settlers to be illegal. Why?




  1. Where did the so called Native Americans get their sanction?  Who was here before them?  Did they have a Constitution.  All they did was see land and move there.  That's what our founders did.

  2. why dont all of this people put themselves in the shoes of hispanics who r trying 2 come here to get a chance at a better life for them and their family??

    i doubt that if they were in our situation they would stay in Mexico etc.

    they would come over here 2!!

    its easy 2 complain and judge wen u havent been in their situation!!

  3. I think its because we had bigger guns, and were smart enough to use the land and those who lived here to advance ourselves and raise our standard of living. We are the beacon of the world and thats why people should try to be like us.

  4. You are full of hogwash.  Anyone of any nationality, race or color who violated the immigration laws in effect at the time is an illegal alien.  

    Until there was a government empowered to enact laws, and then actually enacted laws regarding immigration, moving from place to place was legal and unrestricted.

  5. Ahhh Ricky you self hater. Who is we? I was not alive during the colonization of North America and had no part in it. My ancestors were considered illegal until they gained citezenship through proper channels. Why arent you asking about Canada or the Spanish in South America or the Moores,  the UK colonizing most of the world, Germany, Romans, American Indians conquered and enslaved each other. Unfortunately your  fantasy world of everyone living in peace and harmony  has never been the case. Before you bash the US and white men in general you should learn some history. The US is the most generous country in the world when it comes to aiding other nations.

  6. Becuase there was no immigration laws set back then. There were no legal recognition of ownership of land.

    I guess if the Native Americans had laws in place and land ownership deeds they would have a legal case.

    Is that saying what we did to them was right not at all, but the 1st thing settlers did when they arrived was set up land claims and deeds. Along with laws governing them.

    Also don't try to make the Native American out as such a noble people. They kept slaves from other tribes. Also today there are cases being heard in court where tribes who recieve payments from the US goverment though oil, casino a reperations are refusing to give a share of the money to the ansestors of those people who were part of the tribe due to being held captive as slaves by the tribe stating that they are not actually part of the tribe.

    The very term "Illegal" has the word legal in it without law there is no illegal or legal so the settelement is not illegal.

    The Illegal Immigrants that you speak of such as but not limited to the mexicans are breaking a set & established law of the land they are entering thus they are illegaly immigrating and thus illegal immigrants.

    Read the link and see how noble they are

  7. Your statements are racist and inaccurate. US history is not all whites against all Native Americans. Various European countries were in conflict with each other before the discovery of N America. Various Native American tribes were is conflict with each other before Europeans arrived. Europeans and Native American allied with each other according to pre-existing conflicts. The truth is far more complex than you realise. BTW - European farming techniques didn't work well in N America and the first Europeans had to learn farming from the Native Americans. That would involve getting along which racists like you want to ignore. As far as citizenship goes, immigration and citizenship laws were not widely utilised before the massive European migrations in the early 1900s. At that time the laws were heavily used against white people of various ethnic and national origins. That would be another part of history that racists like you want to ignore.

  8. Did the original Native Americans apply for citizenship when they arrived here? NO, because there was no established government making laws. Same thing when the Europeans arrived no government-no laws.Even you have to admit that in war which is what eventually happened between the Native American and the original settlers the stronger win. We live in 2008 and have to deal with the laws that are in effect. Using history to try to justify illegal immigration of the present is a weak argument.

  9. If how the country was obtained bothers you, there are exits at the front, wing, and rear of the nation. Have a nice flight.

  10. "But for some reason, no one considers the original settlers to be illegal. Why?"

    Because its a stupid question!!!

  11. because we are special and there is nothing you can do about it

  12. Because there was not a cohesive government of any sort to deal with. There were hundreds of different tribes dealing with the Europeans individually, some worked with the French against the English, some worked with the English against the French, some worked against the English and French and some worked the English and French against each other, they all lost in the end.

    Interesting note, in the days when the country was being formed several New England tribes approached the continental congress with a proposal to join the union with their own state, they were denied.

  13. Because the USA has birthright citizenship and the extreme vast majority of our white citizens were born here.

    By the way--the year 2008 called.  It asked that you join us in the millenium.  The history lesson your provided is as stale as the Wonder Bread I bought 10 days ago.

  14. Because laws were created after they got here. Now if Latinos would just follow them and stop coming here illegally.

  15. Well all of this people are speaking about the natives not having laws, but what about california, texas, and all the others states that were taken from Mexico? I think the Mexicans had laws when that happened.

  16. You are really stretching here.

  17. Some Illegal Immigrants are White.

  18. youre right, the white invaders just killed the natives, there was laws but they didnt care, what a shame


  19. You're looking at it on one side of the spectrum.  Back then during the colonies, they couldn't go back to England.  They were fighting for religious freedom, and they would've been killed.  No one wants to die, they want freedom.

    The Native Americans rightfully thought it was there land, they lived there and cherished it.  However, you have these people coming in and taking over the land and threatening their culture.

    It wasn't anyone's fault, and it's not good to put the blame on someone.  Tough times, that's all.  It's just the colonists who made it in the end.  It happens, all the time in history.  That's just the way it is.

  20. You do a good job in proving the intelligence level of the pro-illegal/illegal aliens, using history to rationalize criminal behavior today.  You do it because there is no good argument for illegal immigration.  I don't know about you, but I'm living in the year 2008.

    Yeah, come on guys, stay on point.  The fact that the natives slaughtered each other does nothing to back up the asker's demented reasoning, how rude.

  21. Quite simply because at the time we came here there was no government or law forbiding it.

    News flash for you junior, the "Native Americans" also didn't have permission to immigrate here when they came and the various tribes regularly made war on each other, stealing the others land and enslaving their peoples. This is the historical fact if you'd bother to learn it.

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