
Why isn't the world of men something of great study and attention in society?

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You would think that understanding men, how they interact socially, how they feel and such would be of extreme importance to society. Men play such an important role in society, why aren't they considered to be of more importance?

Why isn't male psychology in juvenile delinquency a major topic being studied, for example. I'm not saying there aren't any studies or research, but its sadly lacking.

Why? Does society really think it knows and understands men well? Do women? (We already know the answer to that question)




  1. Believe me, women study men...a lot.

  2. pink round bottom, you are truly ignorant. you have taken the sterotypical, hollywood image of feminism and without asking any questions or researching the point you took it as true. Had you actually done your homework, you'd know that feminism is about equality, and not at all about what you described. The reason you may think that men are not studied is that they were studied exclusively for thousands of years. medicine, science, any study pertaining to the human form was done on men to better men.  

  3. The overwhelming majority of participants in all the psychology and sociology studies so far have been male, actually. It's a worrying bias they have only fairly recently noticed and started adjusting, so it's getting more even now, but still - you can't say men haven't been deeply studies.

    And actually, there are not a lot of gender differences in social interactions, etc. The difference between males and females *is* studied in psychology, (duh) and definately NOT lacking (even over the rest, the most of criminology research is heavily male participant dominated. In fact, there's a real lack of studies of women and criminal behavoir. That's a recent worry as well). Studying males is in fact the norms, so they make more fuss when they repeat it with females to get more publication.

  4. You've used a bad example.  Male psychology in juvenile delinquency has volumes written on it and is a major topic of study across North America.

    But, to the point of your question, many would probably argue that the world of men has been treated as something of great study and attention throughout most of recorded history.  And yes, many would suggest that we know and understand men well.  However, I think the study of men in contemporary socieity IS somewhat lacking.  Things change and as our society changes, and men's role within it change, the old rules and notions don't necessaraily apply.  Unfortunately, you will probably get a lot of answers pointing out, as I have, that men have been well studied in the past and this will be used as an excuse as to why they don't need to be studied at present.  There is value in studying both genders and the roles they play in society.  To study one without examining the other - as has been done in the past - is a mistake.

  5. They do.  It's callled sociology, and psychology.  Everything is the study of men.  Unless the study specifies women, it was probably done only on men.

  6. I'd rather study chicks than dudes, dude!

  7. Gender Studies is a fancy name for Feminist Study...There is little female psychology going on.  However, there is quite a bit of study that has been done and continues to be done on children in general, especially juvenile delinquency.  Most are held with in the fields of education and criminal justice.

    EDIT- I think there is more geared toward female psychology because women want to know more about themselves (in general) than men.  It is basic supply and demand.

  8. Hmmmmm.  What is it about males that you do not know.

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