
Why isn't there a 'Gender and men's studies?'?

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There seems to be only a womans one and I just don't understand why men don't deserve there own.




  1. because if we have one femenists will fight until they get rid of it,because "it's sexist.

  2. I personally never understood why they just didn't call it Gender Studies.  By listing women separately, you could either say they are more important or less important depending on your perspective.  Simply put as Gender Studies cover all issues relating to men and women.

  3. Sigh. We need an FAQ section on GWS we can point newbies toward upon their arrival.

  4. For the same reason that many universities have programs called "African American Studies", but almost no universities have programs called "White American Studies" or "Caucasian American Studies".  

    The group that has historically been oppressed, disadvantaged, or had their contributions ignored is the group that needs their own "studies".  Women are one of these groups, and so are blacks.  Men (particularly white men) have never historically been disadvantaged to the extent that other groups have.  Also, their contributions (as a group, not necessarily as individuals) have not been ignored to the same extent as other groups, and they have had their stories told in history (at least more so than women or blacks).  History, as we know it, was basically written by white men, about white men.  

    But, the times they are a'changing.  Gradually, history classes are starting to try to show a more balanced history, instead of just talking about dead white men 90% of the time.  So, it's possible that in a few decades or so, disciplines like "African American Studies" and "Women's Studies" may no longer be needed, because their stories will be equally told in regular classes so they won't need a special discipline.  

    In the current status quo, a "Gender and Men's Studies" discipline would be redundant, because the kinds of things they would cover are mostly already covered in regular classes.

  5. Since the dominant thinking in our society, and I use the college campus as an example, has been reasoned by men, there is little place for women to develop their own independent structures to learn about the history of women's organizing, the history of the female condition and about the place of women in our societies from the point of view of a woman.

    In all other fields, university campuses present theory and history drafted by and for men. Though women have now been admitted into those programs, the fact remains that these women are studying the history of men's organising, or men's palce in society from the point of view of a man.

    Men do deserve their own and they have it. The entire university campus is dedicated to men's studies, it's just not called that. Women's studies was created to offer women a space where they can develop their own academic knowledge by and for women.

  6. Because men are responsible for all the world's problem. Didn't you know?

    Sarcasm aside, I don't have a problem with having courses on the history of women and the feminism movement. I took this course in 2007, and it change the way acted towards women, taught me to be more respectful. Though I wish there were more open discussions on abortion and other issues, when I had a opinion differ from the teacher, I thought I was going to have my privates chop off.

  7. Because woman would think we are sexist just like a black guy can make fun of a white person but a white can't make fun of a black person on TV.

  8. similarly to why there isn't a movement called: masculinism

  9. We don't have a problem expressing our feelings. It boils down to three issues. Pizza, beer and s*x.

  10. Oh wow, what a totally original question!

    I tell you what ~ it's probably best if we all stop posting here, that'll force Yahoo's hand.

    You first :-)

    Cheers :-)

  11. There isn't much to study with men.  Their needs are very basic.

  12. Because "Men's Studies" is not yet in least that is what I have been told.

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